Wednesday, October 3, 2012

IWSG - Oct - Post #7

Alex J. Cavanaugh is the brains behind IWSG. Click on his name to check out his awesome blog and join in on the fun!

I'm *this close* to finishing my WIP. I really thought I'd have it done yesterday, but a little hiccup occurred (not writing related) so now I'm aiming for this weekend. 

And to be real with myself, I should've had this finished long ago, but I suffer from "I can't stop editing along the way" syndrome. Have you heard of it? It's nasty, but addicting all the same.

One of my CP's suggested opening another word doc while writing, and when something comes to mind, put it there instead of combing through my WIP to fix, change, add, or delete something. I started her idea, and it's working for the most part. (Thanks, Kimmy!) Sure, my mind and fingers want to edit, but I'm trying my hardest to keep them at bay so I can finish my MS.

Do you have any suggestions for NOT editing your drafts until later? 
Or do you edit it as you go, too?

~ Happy writing!!! (and editing... *wink*)

P.S. Check out the Express Yourself Meme as well as Spooktoberfest by clicking on the names or in the tab bar above!!!


  1. I do edit as I go sometimes but I've been able to limit a lot over time. Good luck finishing your WIP.

  2. Haha, I have no tips on this because I edit as I go along too! I found that participating in CampNaNo helped me to stop a little because I knew I didn't have time to go back and mess around with the small details. But the old habits came back as soon as I was writing normally again!

  3. I used to edit as I wrote, and it took me forever to get anywhere. So I had to find the balance between back tracking ever-so-slightly and doing a major rewind.

  4. Ok, ok... I'm on my way over to sign up for this IWSG thing. You keep telling me to do it so I will. Here I gooooo... I'll be posting in a bit. like give me an hour. LOL

  5. Hi, Jackie! Thanks for coming by my site, I'm so glad to meet you and find yours. I forced myself to stop editing as I went with my novel because I couldn't get anywhere otherwise. It wasn't easy though! I love your friend's tip, I'm going to keep that in mind.

  6. Hi Jackie-- thanks for stopping by my blog. I did little editing things along the way, but tried to just let that first draft be more of a free flow. I'm not sure there really is a right or wrong-- maybe more just a style and writing preference? But boy, if you roamed my blog a little, you'll see I am doing the revision and editing now! Eeegads! Good for you for being so close to the end of the tunnel. YAY YOU!

  7. Thanks for the shout out! I am good at not editing as I go, but I mostly write out the entire dialogue first. Then I go back and add in details and actions and descriptions. It works for me, then off to the betas - and I have great ones, like YOU, Jackie! :)

  8. I edit afterwards. My first draft is always all over the place. My current WIP has five different beginnings and three different viewpoints. The first draft is long-hand, so when I'm typing it up I naturally edit as I go. After that, the red pen comes out. I don't usually stop editing, to be honest!

  9. I just power through. I don't even read back what I wrote the previous day. But then I end up with major work for the second draft! So not so good either.

  10. I do not edit as I go or I would get bogged down. Also, often my edits would be useless anyway until I've finished the whole story and can look at the whole picture. I like to make notes as I go about new ideas or things I want to change. I find the program Scrivener really useful for this, as you can add notes to each scene that don't show up in the actual document.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  11. I use the comment feature in Word for my reminders. That is something NaNoWriMo has helped me with.

  12. I may need to retrain myself to edit as I go. I hate editing.

  13. I tend to edit as I go along, but I save any major rewrites for when I have a complete draft and can see the whole novel's structure. As much as I try to stop editing and just write, I have a perfectionist streak that won't let blatant errors just sit there, even if I'm going back to edit later.

    Best of luck with the editing! :)

  14. Sometimes it's hard to turn off the inner editor. I'm pretty good at just giving myself over to the story and just write it, but sometimes that nagging inner editor pops up and I have to hit her over the head with a pan!

  15. I'm a perfectionist, so I edit as I write and think of things to fix in previous pages all the time. Can't stop doing it as I write, but I do make myself write down my ideas and changes and then go back to them after I finish the first draft.
    You will finish this weekend!

  16. Editing is like housework. I slave away but the moment someone takes a peek I yell "rough draft, it's a rough draft."

  17. I edit as I write. Mostly because am I'm writing my darn characters do something that totally contradicts what they did earlier. Thank goodness for critique partners that point out parts I forgot to change!

  18. I suffer from the same syndrome... but I like it... even though it might take more time in the end, for some reason I can't work in chaos... I need to be able to read the story as I go in a nice way... Phew. So, I embrace it! LOL. :)

  19. What a great idea about opening the new document, will have to adopt that ;)

    I HATE editing so I feel your pain!

    Good luck :)


  20. editing along the way is a huge temptation!
    writing ideas to edit in a doc is a great idea, but i go a step further being fom the pen & paper generation and jot it down. it feels so great to go back thru the stack of notes and cross off or crumple them when i do them! way to finish!

  21. Look on the bright side...I can write a book in a month...then it takes me years to sort out the mess. Maybe your way saves time in the end.

  22. I wished I could remember where I read this tip, but I love it:

    While writing, when you come across a neat idea, or something you need to fix or add or edit, simply type a unique character,such as the $. When it's time to edit, simply do a word document search for the $ character:)

  23. I hand write my book almost in full before typing it up. My first edit is conducted while I am typing.

  24. I'm so there with you on the self-imposed deadline. I thought I'd finish my first round edits today, but things kept coming up this week and now I'm aiming at Monday. Like Tara, I've got a piece of paper where I'm scribbling things to fix/add as I go through. I've got enough docs open with the versions with my CPs' notes, and I find it easier to work out thoughts on paper sometimes - makes for a change. But in terms of the first draft, I used to be one for fiddling as I went along, but I found the writing really dragged - on the other hand, if you speed through it can leave a lot of things to fix afterwards. Yet to find the perfect balance!

  25. I suck at this. But, I will say that during August Camp NaNo, when I wrote the first draft of a novel, I did exactly what your cp suggested. And, guess what? It worked. I had two docs opened and anytime something would come up, I'd jot it down. I got fancy-smancy with my "extras" doc and color coded things. Such as, things to add were in green. The only drawback is now, I have to back and fish through it all. I also know writers who revise while they write. It just takes them longer to finish. I don't think there's a wrong way, but you have to find your way. The one that works for you. :)

  26. I absolutely need to backtrack and revise as I go or I'll end up with drek. But I keep my chapters in separate word docs so there isn't any wasted time combing through things. I also keep a private online site so I post chaps as soon as I'm done - I've heard too many "my pc crashed and I lost my whole ms" stories. Good luck finishing your WIP. You can do it! ;-)

  27. I edit a little as I go, but usually I'm always pulled into the next scene. So, that drives me on.

  28. I edit a little as I go, too, but I trying to keep moving mainly by having a word count goal, daily or weekly. If I reach my goal, and I still have time to write, then I may edit for a little while.


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