Today, you'll meet Donovan and Gage
from my manuscript, Breathe For Me. They're in a love triangle with my main
protag, Hadley. Not only are they in love with her, but the three of them have to work together to save the school from Dr. Ramsey, the school's headmaster. He forces the kids into cage matches, placing bets, and not caring who winds up hurt or dead.
Hadley, Gage, and Donovan have their work cut out for them.
To tie in my X for the A to Z Challenge...
Donovan loves comics, his favorite being the X-Men.
Gage rides BMX
dirt bikes and loves working on them.
Donovan Graham
image credit: theberry.com/2012/04/09/
Gage Ryder
image credit: flickr.com/photos/natasha_space
GAGE: “So, we’re supposed to answer some questions?”
DONOVAN: “Yep. Here’s the list.”
“Why do you have the list? Why didn’t I get a copy?”
“Dude, I don’t know. Maybe because you act immature, kind of
like now.”
“Just read the first question.”
“How would you describe yourself in one word?”
“Incredibly awesome.”
“That's two words, slick.”
“Put a hyphen in there. " *Gage motions with his hand toward the paper.* So what about you?”
“I don’t know. Maybe … complicated?”
“Yeah, I bet that’s real attractive to the ladies.”
*Donovan rolls eyes* “Next question. What's the perfect breakfast?”
“Eggs—sunny side up, bacon, toast, juice, hash browns,
and pancakes.”
“You eat all of that in one sitting?”
“Yeah, so? I’m a growing boy.” *Gage pats stomach*
“Boy being the keyword. And no wonder you’re
so sluggish in the mornings.”
“Look, just because I don’t drink protein shakes and eat fruit, like you do,
doesn’t mean I’m lazy.”
“I didn’t say that. Anyway, next question. What’s your
worst habit?”
“Probably chewing ice. You?”
“Cracking my knuckles, and my neck.”
“Must be that old age creeping up.”
*Donovan lifts brow* “I’m nineteen. Only two years older than you, buddy.
Again, maturity level’s coming into play here.”
“Give me that list.” *Gage snatches paper from Donovan.* “What
flower would you bring a girl on a first date?”
“Lilies. What about you?”
“Roses. But not red. That’s for later on down the line.
Next question is … what chick flick do you secretly love?”
“That’s easy. The Notebook.”
“Mine is Titanic. But if you tell anyone, I’ll kick
“Shut it. You’re not kicking anyone’s anything. Just read
another question.”
“What first attracted you to Hadley?”
*Donovan leans back in his chair* “She has killer blue eyes. And she's confident. I like that.”
“I agree. And I’d like to add feisty in there. Gotta love a
feisty girl.”
“Very true.” *Donovan grins.* “Hadley’s got the feistiness down pat.”
*Gage smiles.* “Yeah she does. Next… what charity would you donate to if
you had a million dollars to spend?”
“Alzheimer’s. My Grams has it, and it kills me.”
“Dude, sorry about that.” *Gage gives Donovan's shoulder a squeeze.* “I’d say
Make a Wish Foundation. I think it’s cool that those kids have their dreams
come true.”
“Good choice.”
“Thanks. Next question… What’s the last book you’ve read?”
*Donovan shrugs* “The new Spiderman comic. You?”
“A manual on how to change an engine on a bike I’m rebuilding.”
“You know, Hadley would be rather proud of us for not fighting
right now.”
“You’re right, she would. It’s probably best if we don’t jinx
it. See you in martial arts class. Don’t be late.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
So, there you have it. I hope you enjoyed meeting Gage and Donovan. Please go check out other bloggers in the Oh, My Hero! Blog Hop here and visit the hosts Jaycee and Victoria.
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!