Monday, April 1, 2013

A is for Aphrodite LaFont

For my A to Z Blogging Theme in April, I will be posting my fave book characters.
In the weeks ahead, look for top 5-10 lists, quotes, and even a few character interviews. Woot woot!

Aphrodite is a character in the House of Night series, written by mother and daughter duo P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast. 

What makes Aphrodite a kickbutt chick:

She's sarcasm at its finest.

She speaks her mind and calls things how she sees them.

She has the gift of sight - the ability to see visions before something bad happens.

She started out as a nemesis to Zoey (the main protag in the series) but then they become close and share a sister type bond, but still have that bantering quality between them.

Her boyfriend, Darius, is one of the Sons of Erebus and a warrior, who is great at taming Aphrodite.

AND a big thank you to the founder of the A to Z Challenge... ARLEE BIRD! Without him, the A to Z would be non-existent!

Go HERE to check out other bloggers participating in the A - Z Blogging Challenge. It's going on the whole month of April.


  1. Aphrodite is my fave! Love love love her!! Her and I are a connection.

  2. I love Aphrodite, she's easily my favourite character from the series!

  3. I'll have to have a look at that series. She sounds an interesting character.

  4. I love sarcasm and sarcastic characters. I think I'd like Aphrodite. I need to write down this series. (:

  5. Quite the interesting-sounding character! I'll be looking forward to meeting all the others you choose this month. :)

    Living in the Light

  6. Cool idea for a theme. I'm always curious about parent/child writing teams. That must be a really interesting experience to write something with a family member that close. Good and bad. :)

    Here is my "A" post for the A to Z challenge: A Girl and her Diary

  7. I haven't read the House of Night Series. I do like a kick a** MC though, so I'll be checking out this series.

  8. This is a great theme, I look forward to the other characters of the A-Z.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  9. Sounds like an interesting character! I like the nemesis-turned-sister aspect.
    Happy A to Z!

  10. I haven't read any of their writings....will need to check that out!! Thanks for sharing your post, I enjoyed it!!

  11. Interesting theme. I look forward to meeting more characters.

  12. Great theme! I do love kickbutt chicks!

  13. Awesome choice for A! She is a great character :D

  14. That's cool that it's a mother/daughter team. What a wonderful thing to share.

  15. My wife loves those book, she is trying to get me to read them. Maybe I should.

  16. I have read most of The House of Knight series. I need to catch up on the latest couple of releases. Aphrodite is an awesome character!

  17. I haven't heard of/read this series, but this chick sounds ery kick-arse indeed!

  18. Your characters are most intriguing. I love that they all have unique names. Thanks for sharing such interesting comments with us.


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