Zombie Survival Kit & Crew Bloghop

We've been impatiently waiting for The Walking Dead premiere on October 12, so to bide our time, we thought a zombie themed blogfest would quench our zombie thirst.

Zombie Apocalypse: Survival Kit & Crew Bloghop

Post date: Friday, October 10, 2014 (cause no one wants to post on show day!)

Details: To help build your zombie apocalypse dream team and survival kit, you will need to pick ONE person and/or ONE item for each of the topics listed in the below categories.
(Items you already have on your person: undergarments, shirt, bottoms, socks, tennis shoes & a backpack. If you want special shoes and/or boots, jackets, belt, etc.; those are extra and will need to be listed for one of your items below.)

And since this bloghop is all about having fun, if you have kiddos and/or pets, we can assume they are safely tucked away in a safe haven somewhere while we’re out in the world fighting off zombies, so do not worry.

With the characters below, please include the book, movie & TV show they stem from.
The Walking Dead character is the only one that needs to be from a zombie themed entertainment outlet, but please feel free to choose characters from your other favorite books/movies/tv. They may or may not be zombie related. It's all up to you. Just let your imagination flow!

1 The Walking Dead character
1 book character
1 movie character
1 TV character (other than TWD)
1 loved one
1 friend
1 freebie

1 comfort item
1 weapon
1 luxury item
1 food item
1 medicine/first aid item
1 hygiene item
1 freebie

Cause of it
Cure (if applicable)
1 item you NEED to find
1 item you WANT to find
Method of travel

**Please display the above badge on your blog.
**Join us on Friday, October 10th to build your zombie apocalypse dream team and survival kit.
**Spread the word via twitter, facebook, your blog, etc.
**Sign up in the linky so that we can visit you and your crew on Oct 10th.
**Most of all, HAVE FUN!