My celebrations:
I did the Color Me Rad 5K with my hubby, Dani, and her hubby. It was so much fun and did wonders for me, my spirit, and my friendship with Dani. :)

It's time for the Confessions Blogfest. Dani @Entertaining Interests and want to know what not-so-dark secrets you have. If you want to share the dark ones, by all means, but this is the world wide web, so... yeah, that saying "What happens in Blogosphere, stays in Blogosphere" ... That probably won't happen, so use your own discretion.
It can be fun facts about yourself, quirks, memories, dreams, wishes, something you did that you're proud or not-so-proud of. The list is endless. We just want to learn more about you.
The below might seem trivial to some, but it is who I am and believe it or not, it is taking a lot for me to write them out because there's this little thing called anxiety that likes to mess with me.
*deep breath*
These are my confessions **cue Usher music** ....
- When I eat french fries, I don't eat the entire fry. Instead, I discard the part that I touched. Typing that out makes me sound crazy... *shrugs* My hubby was the first and only person to notice and mention it many years ago, and he still comments on it to this day. He says it makes me - me. :D
- I wish me, my family, and my friends would have a "dance" like the end scene of Footloose. It would be a blast! Some day, I'd like for that to really happen .....This leads me into my next confession.....
- I love singing and dancing to the movies Footloose and Grease 1 & 2. And when I say singing and dancing, I'm talking about going all out. I sing into a hairbrush, play air guitar, and jump on furniture when no one is home. I act like I'm a rock star, but I'm really a dork.
So there you have it. Any confessions you'd like to share? Hop around to the brave bloggers below and see what they have to say.