Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IWSG - Dec Post #9

It's IWSG time. Its purpose is to encourage each other and share things that we're dealing with in our writing ventures, whether they be joys and struggles.
Alex J. Cavanaugh, the ninja host, states it best... IWSG is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds. To join, click on the pic below and post on your blog the first Wed of every month.

Last week, I'd planned to get my query polished and sent out, but I was sick. No, really. For days, I tossed my cookies, and my head throbbed, like something was sitting on the back of my skull and neck. I have no idea what was wrong, but even after that, it's taken me a few days to get back into things. It's so frustrating, because I had goals and time frames and now I'm behind, but I am thankful that I'm feeling better.

What do you do to get caught back up when you've fallen behind? Do you have any suggestions? I've been drinking lots of coffee and staying up late, going on four hours of sleep a night. This is so dumb because I'm afraid I'll have a setback and get sick again. So any ideas are more than welcome. Thanks, blogging friends!

~ Happy writing!


  1. I didn't know you were ill. Sorry to hear that. Glad you are feeling anyways. You should get enough sleep but I've hounded you about this for years! Lack of sleep means lack of body healing.
    Now go catch up on your sleep and your writing, editing, querying will follow. Promise! ;)

    1. *Better... glad you are feeling better. lol

  2. How is it we never plan for our illnesses and then over extend ourselves to get back on track? Lol

    Glad you are better and try not to push yourself too hard.

  3. Sending out queries and tossing cookies do NOT mix. Take care of yourself.

  4. Agree with Brinda-- it's a nasty combination. Most importantly, yes, get yourself healthy. Hope you feel better soon. Queries will be there for you to write when you are ready.

  5. I agree with the others; take care of you first. Queries can wait. First, you need more rest! Four hours isn't near enough, especially if you've been ill. Take care & Happy IWSG post day. :)

  6. Saying hello from IWSG... Health comes first. I hope you feel better soon and get more sleep!

  7. Reset your goals! You are allowed to do that.
    And sorry you were so sick.

  8. Ugh. I hate when those things happen! So frustrating! Glad you're feeling better though. Just set a new date for that goal and you're on your way!

  9. I'm goign throught he same thing. I was out of commission last weekend and trying to get myself back on track this week. I've switched my coffee for tea to same my stomach. I'm trying to catch up on my editing and emails, but making sure I'm getting enough sleep so I don't knock myself out of commission again. I have no more time to be sick! Haha. Good luck on your query!

  10. Illness happens, I had a throat infection recently and it throw me too. Take care of yourself and make sure you get enough sleep. Good luck with your goals.

  11. Sorry to hear you were sick. You need to take care of yourself, listen to your body, take a step back and let yourself recover.

  12. I've recently gotten out of a slump that had to do with sleep deprivation. I'd say get some rest and let your body recover, especially after being sick. Doctor Dave out. :)

  13. so sorry you were sick! blech!
    i feel like i'm still catching up from my thanksgiving trip!
    prioritize...and dump things that you dont absolutely have to do...spare time will come back to fit the less important things in later

    take it easy!

  14. I'm happy you're feeling better. I had the same thing happen to me a few weeks ago. I lost a few days I desperately needed for writing. It's difficult to make up time, but I grab a few minutes here and a few there. Not much I can do to make up for hours lost except suck it up and carry on.

  15. Oh, no! Hope you're feeling better by now. Don't worry - you'll catch up. Just take it a step at a time and don't pour on the pressure.

  16. Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes and strict instructions to get better first before delving back in! You're all right with the advice!

  17. Hey, Jax, I know you're feeling frustrated, and probably anxious about not keeping to your schedule, but girlfriend, it's not like you were goofing off. You were sick. You need to chillax. I'd suggest modifying your timeline and NOT chugging so much coffee (too much dehydrates, leaving you susceptible to more of that Ick - that's a medical term, BTW) and NOT losing out on sleep. Write maybe an hour or two a night and...

    Oh, I just realized the other comments are all in this vein. Well, never mind me, then. Carry on. :-)
    Some Dark Romantic


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