
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

IWSG - Feb 2015

Insecure Writer's Support Group is hosted by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh. The co-hosts for this month are Gwen Gardner, Dolorah, Sarah Foster, and M. Pax.

IWSG is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds. To join, click on the link and sign up. Post on your blog the first Wednesday of every month and meet some awesome people!

I made two goals for the year... get in better shape (eat healthy, exercise) and publish (self) or get in the pub process (edit YA, revise other MS, write query and send out.) So far, I'm on the wrong track! I'm not eating healthy, by any means. Chips are my weakness. Exercise? Yikes. The novel I was working on? I hit a humongous wall, so I set it aside and started working on something else, but then slacked off in the writing department. 

My plan is to regroup and get on the right path, starting with a daily set time to write and stick to it. And not eat chips. *shakes fists at Salt and Vinegar potato chips* Why are they so yummy?!


  1. I feel exactly the same way with everything you just said! It's really hard to eat healthy in the winter, I think. I just want warm, fattening foods, not salads and fruit. Hopefully we can get on track with healthy eating and with writing.

    February IWSG Co-host

    1. You're so right. It's difficult to eat "light" stuff in the winter! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Lol. I feel your pain. I have also not done well on my eating healthy resolution. But there's still time! Resetting and refocusing on your goal is a great idea. :)

    1. Thanks, Rachel. I hope it works! Thank you for visiting!

  3. I fell in the same way with my eating and exercise. I eat less sugary delights, but my chip intake has gone up! Sneaky chips. We're still at the beginning of the year. You can do it! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Christine!!! I sure hope so!

  4. A set amount of writing time each day is a great idea---it totally got me back on track during NaNo.

    Salt & vinegar chips are the devil! Whole bags disappear in moments. The trick to overcoming that will be to not even let the chips into the house (eat them in the car, haha, just kidding) and substitue w/ something more healthy---I swear, after a while you'll even start craving the healthy thing. Raw brocolli & hummus is one of my favorite crunchy snacks (says the girl who just wolfed down two pieces of toast slathered in butter).

    1. I've wanted to try hummus, but haven't yet. I'll add it to my grocery list, with some veggies. Which I do love! But those darn chips...

  5. Hahaa...chips are my downfall too!! The only way to avoid them is not to have them in the house.
    Perhaps, set smaller goals for yourself. Pick 3 days a week to write. Set a time, if that helps. And change it up. I get bored and tend to procrastinate with social media, which is so bad for me. Good Luck!

    1. I procrastinate, too. Ugh! I'm going to set a specific time and see if that works. Thanks!

  6. LOL! I queried my first novel (not my first novel, but the first one I was querying) when I was 21. It didn't work out so well. It wasn't until I was 26 that I attempted it again, and got a wonderful and encouraging response. And yet, it wasn't until the age of 32 that I got a publishing contract. You can put deadlines on things, but ultimately, there are aspects that are out of your control. Chips? Those might be doable. Publishing? Unless you're going to the Indie route may just take some time. =)

    1. I've queried three different novels in the past, and came somewhat close on the last one, but it didn't work out. Which happens. But I'll keep trying.
      It's important for me to set goals and deadlines, even if I miss the mark. :) The key is to never give up.

  7. We're in the same boat. I won't let go, Jack! lol (Even funnier, because you're Jackie. hehe)

    I have to build up the courage to submit again to agents and publishers, and I don't have enough willpower to do better at losing the weight I said I was going to lose by 6 days from now. siiiigh

    1. LOL You're adorable, Debra! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Oh man, I'd love a bag of Ruffles right now!!

    1. And some chip dip!!! Yum!
      Okay, so maybe if I let myself eat chips one day a week instead of cutting them out totally... :/

  9. Don't bring the chips into the house and you won't eat them! I like to snack, so I make sure we don't have any of that junk in the house, or I'll devour it all.

    1. If only it were that easy... with four boys (two of them teens) chips are going to make their way in to the house. LOL I wish I had a high metabolism like they do!


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