
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Express Yourself: Creative Thank-You's

Express Yourself is the weekly meme where Dani @Entertaining Interests and I ask a question or discuss a topic for other bloggers to share and learn more about each other. 

Some topics and/or questions could be repeats, but we do that because things change with time. This way, it keeps things updated. Please join us HERE!

This week's question: What's the most creative way you can come up with to send a thank you note? - submitted by J. Lenni Dorner

I think a gift basket is a perfect way to say thank you. Yes, I know it isn't a note, but I love giving back, and I think it's a perfect way to say thanks! 
They're so many different ways to create a gift basket, depending on the recipients interests.... coffees/teas, chocolates, books, comics, sports items/teams, Bath and Body Works, gourmet ... the list is endless!


  1. Gift baskets are cool and it's a terrific idea. Unfortunately for me, they (mine) never end up looking as good as they do if I bought them from a professional. Of course buy from a professional adds a lot of extra cost. :)

  2. My cousin's fiance & co-workers bought me a gift basket for teaching a Zumba class for their school fundraiser. They didn't know what I liked, but they got me things I loved!


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