
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

IWSG October 2013

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group time, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh!!!
IWSG is a place to share/write/vent/blog about writing or whatever we feel the need to. Then, hop around and visit other writers, offering support, help, ideas, and so on. It's an amazing group!

My current manuscript is going well. I'm at around the 60k mark and have a little more to go until I'm finished. But, a few days ago, an idea for another story snuck its way into my head and will NOT leave me alone.
I wrote the idea down, thinking that it will stay put until I'm done with my current MS.
Yeah, right. So, I decided to write out my outline for the new story, which I didn't want to do because that meant taking time away from the current WIP. Well, coming up with an outline didn't help either... in fact, it only made me want to continue on.
I really want to finish this current WIP before delving into another because I'd rather not work on two projects. I've tried it before, and while for some, it might work, for me, it's daunting. But maybe I should try it again.... anyone else deal with this? What do you do when this happens? I'm thinking of just going with the flow and see where it leads.

~Happy writing!


  1. I've had this same problem happen several times. It's a little annoying. It's tough though to figure out what to do.

    Me, I tend to go with whatever project is inspiring the most. And I don't usually work on (writing) two projects at the same time. So I'll end up setting one to the side.

    I say just go with the flow. Try write two at once. If it works, great. If not, go back to whichever is pulling on you the most. There may come a time with WIP2 where you need to think some plot things through and then you can go back to WIP1 for a bit.

    Point is, just try something new. If it works, cool, if not, just switch back.

    It's hard to ignore those characters when they're yelling at you. :)

  2. I try to make sure the 1st one still gets done, but also go with the flow a bit. The ideas come when they come, and it'd be awful to loose them. Plus, a short break from the 'main' WIP often allows me to come back at it with new eyes and ideas.
    And yes, I often work on more than one project at a time. I actually enjoy it more that way.

  3. That's always my problem (or blessing).In the middle of other writings new characters and plots try to push their way into my mind.

  4. I am usually working on three things at once. Something tends to pull out, but maybe use it as a reward thing for your mind. Like if you do so many pages on your current WIP you get to do some on the new one. Good luck.

  5. I hate when that happens. I usually get frustrated and walk away from all of them. Maybe write a little on the WIP that is harping you the most and maybe it will leave you alone for a while. Good luck my friend!

  6. If I get a really persistent idea, I'll just go with that for a bit, but I always make sure to go back to the other, or even try to work on them both at the same time. Good luck!

  7. I used to be a multi-project fiend. lol I just say go for it, til you run out of steam, then work on the other, repeat.

  8. I hate when this happens. I can't work multiple projects, I get overwhelmed. On the other hand that idea is soooooo ready to go! Good Luck.

  9. It's not always easy to compartmentalize two stories and do both well. At least for me. But yay on the new storyline!

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

  10. I've never dealt with this, but I usually think it's a good thing to step away from MS's... unless it's going to disrupt your momentum with finishing! But I think it's a good thing to get that other project out, that way when you come back to your 60K one, you'll have fresh eyes! :)

  11. I've worked on more than one book at a time before, though these days it's not something I can really do. I need more focus on just one book at a time, so I don't spread myself too thin and risk burn-out or loss of the creative spark.

  12. Mmm, tough choice. Well, I say ride the wave on the new story until you feel it leveling off, then go back to the almost done one. Yeah, that's what I say. ;)

  13. It happens to me a lot, but I usually set an order to my stories. So one story has priority, and once I finished something about that WiP (like edits or a rewrite) I let myself start something new as a reward. :-)

  14. I think you gotta go with the flow, gurl. Congrats on the new voices in your head! :-)
    Some Dark Romantic


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