
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Happy 1 year birthday to Express Yourself!

HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO EXPRESS YOURSELF! Dani and I created this meme a year ago and appreciate all the support we've received and continue to receive, from our fellow bloggers. You guys rock!

For those that don't know about Express Yourself ... it's a weekly meme that I co-host with Dani. We come up with a question/topic of some sort for other bloggers to share. The goal is for all of us to get to know one another better by expressing different things about ourselves.

Sound fun? Join us in the linky below!

The topic for this week:  What has been your favorite question(s) during the first year of EYM?

I love sharing and reading quotes so any of the EYM's that we asked for quotes were my faves.

I also enjoyed the times we asked about playlists. It was fun going around to other blogs and listening to music.
Some other topics that I enjoyed reading about and writing were:
Who is your favorite couple? Fictional, historical, or even present day.
Name a favorite love scene from a book.
Are there any writerly books or books in general you'd recommend to your fellow writers/readers?

Here's the EYM badge for the month of October 2013:


  1. The Halloween posts are going to be fun! Congrats on a year!

  2. Congratulations on the year. I love reading all the posts who participate. :) Always fun topics.


Comments make me happy. So do photos of Adam Levine... <3