
Thursday, April 26, 2012

W is for Weird

The things below are what I've been told that make me weird. You may or may not agree.
Either way, I'm okay with that. :D

  • I don't like pop tarts.
  • I dip my fries in mustard.
  • When I was little, instead of bread and butter, I'd replace the butter with mustard.
  • I don't like Twinkies.
  • Deodorant routine: 7 swipes under each arm. Hey, don't judge. It used to be 10 each.

  • I'm cold most of the time and tend to wear hoodies a lot (unless I'm outside in 80 degree weather.) 
  • When I grocery shop and go to grab a box of, let's say crackers, I'll move the 1st box aside and take the 2nd one. I do this with anything I buy in the store.
  • I twirl my hair, but sometimes, I'll be twirling it so fast that it flips across my forehead and hits me in the eye. I'll say, "Ouch! Why do I always do that?" My hubby will laugh every time.
  • Speaking of eyes.... my eye does this weird thing when I'm tired. It freaks people out so if I feel it start to creep up, I'll blink a bunch of times so that it won't wander. But sometimes, it does it before I can do anything about it. Case in point, the pic below.

Any "weird" things you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them.

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  1. Awesome. None of those things strike me as that weird, even though I don't do them. But I guess I am weird in other ways. I like tartar sauce on my fries, and I wear men's deodorant. =)

    1. Thank you! I don't think they're weird either but my fam/friends do. LOL

      Thanks for sharing some things that you do. Men's deo smells good! I've never tried tartar sauce on fries, but I think I will. :D

  2. Jackie - your list made me laugh; we share the same shopping quirk...I move the first and take the second too! (too funny)

    Great "W" post - weirdly wonderful. :)

    Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

    1. Yay for someone else with the shopping quirk!!!
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. "When I grocery shop and go to grab a box of, let's say crackers, I'll move the 1st box aside and take the 2nd one. I do this with anything I buy in the store." - Is that weird? I do that too! :D

    1. Awesome!
      It just makes me feel better to grab a different one than the one in front. LOL

  4. i do the same thing in the grocery store--but i got ya beat on the deodorant thing--not proud of it though--40 swipes under each arm----how can you not like pop-tarts, or twinkies or butter--gotta part ways with ya there haha--love this post, so fun!!

    1. 40 swipes?! You must go through a ton of deo!
      I like butter. It's just that when I was younger, I liked to put mustard on my bread instead of butter.

      Thanks for stopping by! :D

  5. I find myself doing the grocery store thing too, sometimes. Another quirk is that I like to do things in threes, or at least in odd numbers. (Odd numbers for an odd gal, I guess.) :-)

    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Thanks for sharing different things you do. :D
      Love the numbers thing. I do that with some stuff.

  6. I'm the same when shopping, I always pick the second one (or just one right at the back!). I'm also cold all of the time as well :)

    1. Cool! Glad to meet another "switch-a-roo" shopper and cold person! :D
      Thanks for stopping by and sharing!

  7. I missed this post. I'm also cold all the time and get weird looks when I go into a store wearing a hoodie in warm weather. I do the hair thing but don't hit my face. Pop tarts are a must weirdo. lol


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