
Friday, December 16, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a fun bloghop where we celebrate things, big or small. 
It can be anything from writing, to family, to organizing, whatever you want to share. 
CTST host's are: Lexa CainKidbits, and Writing Off the Edge.

I'm celebrating....


And a few of my fave ornaments...

What are your celebrations for the week?!?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a fun bloghop where we share things, big or small, that are important to us. It can be anything from writing, to family, to organizing, whatever you want to share. CTST host's are: Lexa CainKidbits, and Writing Off the Edge.


*Our shop Christmas trees are decorated and ready to display for customers!!!

*We're finally moved into the new building for the flower shop, and my parents are moved into a cute little place. November was a crazy, stressful month moving all of this stuff to two locations, but it was worth it. 

*I'm so grateful for all the people who helped us move. I seriously don't know how we would've done it without them. And my husband? Rock star for doing all that he did to make this move go smoothly and try to make things less stressful. I love him so! <3

What celebrations do you have for the week?