
Friday, October 21, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things and Fast Five Friday

Celebrate the Small Things is a fun bloghop where we share things, big or small, that are important to us. It can be anything from writing, to family, to organizing, whatever you want to share. CTST host's are: Lexa Cain, Kidbits, and Writing Off the Edge.


**My son came in 11th place at Regionals for Cross Country and set a personal record. In fact, six of the runners set PR's!!! The team is headed to Semi-State tomorrow. So happy for them!

**Played Phase 10 with my family. We had so much fun-- no TV, no phones. Just us and a deck of cards! LOVED it! We used to do family game night, but with everyone's schedules, we got away from it. We're back at it. Woot!

**My sons had fall break so we had some quality time at the bookstore. I loved seeing all their different interests in reading!

Fast Five Friday is a weekly bloghop created by Cover Girls. Revolving around lists of five, its purpose is to connect with writers, readers, viewers, and bloggers, to share a little about ourselves through lists.

Oct. 21st - Name 5 sci-fi/horror books/movies that scared the crap out of you

The Fourth Kind (movie)
The Seed (book)
Salem's Lot (book and movie)
Jeepers Creepers (movie)
Paranormal Activity (movie)

And don't forget to sign up for Spooktoberfest! We can't wait to read your flash fiction pieces and divvy out some prizes!


  1. Congrats to your son! :)

    The Shining scare the crap out of me, but also Salem's Lot.

    Have a great weekend,

  2. Jeepers Creepers and Paranormal Activity are two of the scariest movies I've ever seen. I haven't written my Spooktoberfest yet, better get on it!

  3. Big congrats to your son! I steer clear of all things scary. I'm just too much of a chicken.

  4. What great things to celebrate. Yay for your son's PR and wishing him good luck at semi-state! Yay for game night with the family and for your boys' interest in reading. I wish more parents encouraged it. My father had me reading at 4, and I'm sure that was why I did so well in school.

  5. Congrats to your son! And I agree with you on Salem's Lot and Paranormal Activity. They are super spooky films.

  6. Jeepers Creepers made me laugh. I'm not a "well" person. Thanks for sharing the list! I haven't read "The Seed." Guess I'm off to Amazon...

  7. Replies
    1. Oops! I put the word "The" in there when it didn't belong. It's called "Seed" by Ania Ahlborn. Sorry about that! :(


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