
Friday, September 30, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things and Fast Five Friday

Celebrate the Small Things is a Friday blog hop where we share things, big or small, during that week, and then hop around to other blogs to see what they've shared. 

Hosts: Lexa CainWriting Off The Edge, and Kidbits.

My celebrations...

** Tried some new recipes in the crock pot for the family. So far, the hits have been Italian Chicken and Vegetable Soup. 

** My goal is to work on closets these next few weeks, go through them, see what fits and what doesn't for the six of us. LOL I'm only a quarter of the way done on one of them, but it's a start! 


Fast Five Friday is a weekly blog hop created by Cover Girls. Revolving around lists of five, its purpose is to connect with writers, readers, viewers, and bloggers. 

Sept 23 - Top 5 music artists you're attracted to

*Adam Levine
*J.D. Fortune
*Lenny Kravitz
*Adam Lambert
*Brent Smith

Sept 30 - 5 daily rituals/routines you do (besides hygiene)

*use moisturizer
*Change into jammie pants when I get home
*Hug my hubby and kiddos
*sync fitbit
*read before bed


Don't forget to sign up for Spooktoberfest HERE! We can't wait to read your stories!


  1. That reminds me we need to go the great closet shuffle (summer to winter) soon and figure out what fits.

  2. Finding new recipes the family loves is always a good thing. I need to go through my closet sometime, too. I'm terrible about those sorts of things. Have a great weekend!

  3. Those crock pot meals sound delicious. I need to start fall cleaning, too. Unfortunately I have a lot more than closets that need going through. One of these days... Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Yummy!! I love homemade soups!!!!

    Closet clutter and cleaning is so time consuming. Good Luck.

  5. I always liked the things my mom made in her crock pot. I do it the el-cheapo way now and just put stuff in a big pot and cook it to death. lol Good work organizing the closets. (I think Adam Lambert rocks!!) Have a great weekend!

  6. Now with Fall, I'm going to be hitting the crock pot harder. So many yummy things! AS to the closets, ugh. May you get through them well ;)


Comments make me happy. So do photos of Adam Levine... <3