
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

K is for Kingsmen

The details and the sign-up list for the 2016 A - Z blogging challenge can be found HERE.

For my A - Z Blogging Challenge, I'm sharing comic book/graphic novel covers that capture my eye.

K is for The Secret Service: Kingsmen


  1. I saw that movie not too long ago. It was a lot of fun. I've never read any of the graphic novels, though.

  2. did not realize this was based off a comic novel. Movie was very entertaining - then again, I always like Colin Firth

  3. I, too, had no idea this was a comic. Haven't seen the movie or the comic, but I need to.

  4. I didn't know it was a comic! My mom went to see it because of Colin Firth. lol

  5. I went with my son to see this and we just keep looking at each other and laughing. We had no idea what kind of movie it was going to be.

    Susan Says

  6. I've never even heard of it, but sounds interesting!

  7. I do like this cover. I bet this is a good read, as well!


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