
Monday, April 11, 2016

I is for Illuminati (The New Avengers)

The details and the sign-up list for the 2016 A - Z blogging challenge can be found HERE.

For my A - Z Blogging Challenge, I'm sharing comic book/graphic novel covers that capture my eye.

I is for Illuminati (The New Avengers) ...and the ladies have it! yay!!! Diggin' this cover! Thanks to Cynthea at whispers, lies and dreams of everyday life, for sharing these awesome covers with us all.


  1. cool cover - they look ready for anything

  2. I'm glad your blog name caught my eye on the sign up list! I love comics (although I don't read much Marvel) and some of those you've featured are new to me, like this one.

    Olduvai Reads

  3. I giggled at the title, but I do like that cover!


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