
Friday, November 13, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a Friday blog hop where we share things, big or small, during that week. 


** My oldest son and I went on his first college visit. We met with an engineering prof and toured the engineering facilities, then two cross country runners gave us a tour of the campus and dorms, and we finished with having lunch with the cross country coach. I'm excited for my son's future, and all that is before him, but my heart breaks all the same.

** Dani and I took our littles to the coffee shop and on a shopping date. I'm so happy we got to hang out since our schedules have been crazy busy lately.

What celebrations do you have for the week?


  1. It all sounds exciting (and emotional) :) Enjoy your weekend Jackie X

  2. It sounds like your son has an exciting future ahead of him. Have a great weekend!

  3. I only have a couple more years before I'll be doing the college visiting with my daughter. Exciting, scary, and sad all at the same time. It's nice you were able to get together with your friend. Have a great weekend!

  4. It's great that you got time to hang out, it can be so difficult to find the time. Have a great weekend :)

  5. Going away to college is a really big step for both of you. I hope it isn't too far away and that he comes home to visit often. Yay for having a "play-date" with your bestie! :)

  6. I'm not a mother, so I can't even imagine what it must feel like to raise someone for 18 years and then have them leave. :( But it's part of life, something we must all do. Glad you were able to spend time with your family!

  7. A coffee shop break sounds heavenly! Glad you got the pause. Good luck with your son. It's great that he's finding things which interest him. . .makes it easier for all.

  8. Aww, I can't imagine yet what sending my kid out to the world will feel like. It's a toss up. lol I was about to say we didn't have a coffee shop anymore, but we just got a standalone Starbucks! I should go take a coffee break!


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