
Friday, May 22, 2015

Fast Five Friday: bucket list

Fast Five Friday is a weekly blog hop created at Cover Girls. Its purpose is to connect with writers, readers, viewers, and bloggers, and the topics revolve around lists.
 Go HERE to learn more about Fast Five Friday, or you can click the tab button above in this blog.

May 22: 5 things on your bucket list

*Attend Cherokee festival/ceremonial dance
*Learn new language. My sis and I are planning on learning Italian together!
*Ghost hunt/investigate with my bestie
*Take my hubby to a UFC event and/or Lakers game
*Visit New Zealand 

Do you have a bucket list? What are some things on it?


  1. Great list. I'd like to go to NZ too. Not sure it'll ever happen, but you never know. Lots of travel places on my list--Greece, Italy, to name a few.

  2. I've always wanted to learn a new language but fear I'll never have the time.

  3. I'd love to visit New Zealand and go on a ghost hunt too. I took a little Italian in university, but I don't remember any now! I want to visit the UK as well. It's a wee bit closer than New Zealand! Have a lovely weekend. :)

  4. Good luck learning Italian! I'm working on Russian now.


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