
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Express Yourself - Fave Apocalyptic Scenario

Express Yourself is the weekly meme where Dani @Entertaining Interests and I ask a question or discuss a topic for other bloggers to share and learn more about each other. 

Some topics and/or questions could be repeats, because things change with time. This way, it keeps things updated. Please join us HERE!

This week's question:  What's your favorite type of apocalyptic scenario - natural disaster, zombie, alien invasion, etc.? 
- submitted by Laura @ Writing off the Edge

Great question, Laura! I love to watch and read apocalyptic themes in movies and books, but my favorite out of all would be zombies. 
If one of those apocalyptic scenarios were to occur in real life, I think, even though it'd be terrifying, that I could have a good chance of lasting in a zombie world. Especially with my hubby and Dani (another zombie fan) by my side. We have a survival plan, and a place to meet up, in case something happens. Hey, never hurts to be prepared, right? And, I'd like to think that this plan could be used for other apocalyptic scenarios as well.

Do you have a apocalyptic scenario you love to read or watch? What scenario do you think you'd survive in? 


  1. Zombies are one of my top pick. So are aliens.

    1. I like alien stories, too. Loved the movie, Signs, and The Fourth Kind scared me! Lol

  2. Love love zombies; but would likely go with the natural disasters such as solar flares or astroid impact. I like bio-chemical warfare too.

    Yeah I know, I'm sadistic :)

    1. Those sound like the makings of a great book!

  3. Zombies is not my top pick. lol

  4. My husband has cooked up a zombie survival plan of his own. It never hurts to be prepared!

    1. So awesome! It's fun to have a plan, and to play out different scenarios. You never know in this world what could happen!


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