
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

IWSG - Dec 2014

Insecure Writer's Support Group hosted by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds. To join, click on the name links above and post on your blog the first Wednesday of every month. Sign up and meet some awesome people!

I participated in NaNoWriMo last month, and even though I didn't make the 50k mark, I'm glad I tried because I was able to write 36K that I can continue working on.
One thing that NaNo helped me with is my inner editor that usually refuses to go away... with NaNo, I HAD to put the blasted I.E. to the side and just write. And you know what? I loved the carefree-ness of it. I want to do that more often, then do my editing after it's written. I don't know if that will work with future works or not, but I'd like to think that it would. 
This month, I will finish this WIP. And hope that I can edit in January, instead of during... we shall see.


  1. 36K is awesome!

    I have no problem squelching that inner editor but in the end it sucks cause I put waaaaaay more time into editing than writing. Maybe a balance would be better. :)

    1. Thank you, Suzi! Yeah, balance is probably best, but I don't know how to do that! LOL

  2. 36K is great! I think my inner editor is also my outside editor, so I always have an issue not editing. lol

  3. Oh… the inner editor… I TOTALLY have the same problem!!! And seriously? 36K is HUGE. Huge. Proud of you!!!

  4. Congratulations in your success and kudos to you to continue onward. I've never been brave enough to tackle NaNo, hopefully next year!

    Best regards,
    Award-winning Children’s Author
    Ignite Curiosity in your child through reading!
    Write What Inspires You Blog

    1. Thank you, Donna! It is a bit daunting, but I'll be doing NaNo again.

  5. Well done on your 36k - and switching off the IE!

  6. Good for you for doing NaNo and being proud of the word count you reached. That's a great number...far more words than I wrote. ;)

    1. Being proud of it was extremely hard, because part of me is still disappointed I didn't accomplish the goal. But no use in beating myself up, right? :)

  7. A start is a start. I know myself how difficult it is to put away that inner editor. Good luck with finishing and editing.

  8. One of the most freeing pieces of advice I ever had was to just get on and write and expect the first draft to be crap. Your inner editor can let rip on the 2nd draft, just tell her that you need to provide something she can get her teeth into first.
    (and 36k is a lot, congrats).

  9. Hey, at least you were brave enough to try it. It 36k is enormous when you add in all the other distractions, work, kids, husband, etc into the mix!! You know how many words I wrote last month... nada! You rock my socks!!

    1. Aww. Thanks, Dani! That means a lot to me. I heart you!

  10. Good for you, Jackie! I can so totally relate; I get to tinkering and the forward motion screeches to a halt. I sometimes think it's because I'm tired of all the work it takes to create nights when I work full-time, and sometimes I'm just afraid that I don't know what to write next. Boo to these sick mind games we writers play with ourselves! :-)

    1. Thanks, Mina! It's good to know others can relate!


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