
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Express Yourself: beverages

Express Yourself is the weekly meme where Dani @Entertaining Interests and I ask a question or discuss a topic for other bloggers to share and learn more about each other. 

Some topics and/or questions could be repeats, but we do that because things change with time. This way, it keeps things updated. 
Please join us HERE!

December 8 - 12: Coffee, tea, or soda ... what's your fave beverage?

I heart coffee with a splash of vanilla syrup added. I try to keep it to two cups, for the most part, then drink water the rest of the day. 

What's your beverage of choice?


  1. I like Green Tea in the morning and a cup of coffee (right now with pumpkin spice) in the afternoon. :)

    1. I've tried peach-mango tea, and it was pretty good.

  2. Coffee is my favorite too. I just don't have the self-restraint necessary to limit myself.

    1. If I have more than three, I bounce off the walls. So two is a great limit for me. LOL

  3. I'm a big coffee and water drinker throughout the day. Sometimes at night I enjoy something a little stronger. Tea is really good on a cold day though, and hot chocolate in winter is not to be missed!

  4. I prefer Irish Cream syrup, if going that route. But vanilla always smells great.


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