
Monday, October 13, 2014

Express Yourself - Halloween plans

Express Yourself is the weekly meme where Dani @Entertaining Interests and I ask a question or discuss a topic for other bloggers to share and learn more about each other. 

Some topics and/or questions could be repeats, but we do that because things change with time. This way, it keeps things updated. 

Please join us HERE!

Oct 13 - 17: Do you have any Halloween plans?

Most likely, the traditional things - take the kiddos trick or treating, have movie fest, eat tons of candy. 

Speaking of candy, I've been loving NutRageous lately. Oh my goodness - delicious! Basically, it's peanut butter, peanuts, and caramel covered in chocolate. And the bar itself isn't a typical size candy bar; it's smaller. But with all that yummyness going on, I think it's the perfect size. 


  1. I'm trying to remember if I've had a Nutrageous bar...I've had a Pay Day. That might be what I'm thinking of.

    1. I put up a pic, because, yanno, I happened to have one in the pantry... ugh! They are so delish!!!

  2. I had one of those right after my dentist apt last month. They are quite yummy indeed!

    1. I just spotted a bag of them, with the mini ones, at the store. UGH! I didn't buy them, but I wanted to. LOL

  3. I haven't heard of those yet..but they sound amazing! Guess what I'm going to be on the look out for every time I go shopping now.

  4. Peanut butter is my thing. LOVE it! That sounds yummy. I noticed Halloween is on a Friday this year, so I think I want to do something spooky. The trick-or-treaters in my neighborhood bug me because there are a lot of kids who are too old to trick-or-treat (16 to 18) who come door to door without a costume, carrying a grocery store bag. It kind of creeps me out. So I'm thinking we're going to leave this year and turn the light out! Maybe a haunted tour somewhere? Although they're always sold out on Halloween.

  5. Ahh, those are good!
    My brother mentioned Take 5 bars the other day. I haven't had one of those in at least a decade. Now I'm craving... LOL


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