
Monday, May 5, 2014

Express Yourself

Welcome back to Express Yourself! We were on hiatus during the month of April for the A to Z Challenge, but now we're back with new topics!
EYM is the weekly meme where Dani and I ask a question or discuss a topic for other bloggers to share and learn more about each other. 

Please join us HERE!

Topic for May 5-9: Choose one of your fave books. Turn to page 89. What are the 8th and 9th sentences or lines? If  8 or 9 lines aren't on that page, then just choose two lines that you want from it.

The book I used for the topic is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green from the Kindle version.
This snippet is between Augustus and Hazel Grace:

"I got it in exchange for the leg," he explained. There was all this light on his face; he had to squint to look at me, which made his nose crinkle adorably.




  1. I love the fault in our stars, John Green is such a talented writer.

  2. Hey Jackie! I have to admit, I haven't read the book, but I'll check out the blurb on Amazon. I have to thank you guys for keeping me on the list. I had so many things happen over the last six months and was shocked when I saw my site still on there. I almost cried. I so felt the love. :)

    I was actually able to do my first Express Yourself post on Monday! Yay! Go Me! Much love always to you both for always being there for me. I even mentioned you in my IWSG post. Heehee. Lily Eva

  3. I couldn't remember why I needed to do this one at home. Grrr. I wonder if my fave books are on Google Books. lol


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