
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Express Yourself - Couples

It's EYM timethe weekly meme that I co-host with Dani
Each week, we come up with a question/topic of some sort for other bloggers to share. 
Please join us HERE!

Topic of the week: Tell us about some couples you adore.

We had a similar question last year, but we thought it fitting for Valentine's Week! Plus, a lot can happen in a year. Some new couples may surface.

The book couples I adore:

Noah and Allie from Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook

Augustus and Hazel from John Green's The Fault in Our Stars

Patch and Nora from Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush series

Tristran and Yvaine from Neil Gaiman's Stardust

What couples do you adore?


  1. Interesting !! How about writing about real life couples from friends/ family :)

  2. I love Tristran and Yvain! I wrote about my favorite couples from Tolkien's writings :)

  3. Didn't get to read The Notebook yet, but the movie: T______T. I almost died crying.

    I imagine I'll get to more Neil Gaiman, too. Loved Anansi Boys.

  4. Haven't read a good love story lately so can't think of any recent couples....but I know they are out there!

  5. that's a hard one for me--my daughter would certainly say the two in the notebook!

  6. I love the Notebook couple too. Great list.

  7. May be a cliche, but I adore Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley.


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