
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Insecure Writer's Support Group

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group time, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh!!!
IWSG is a place to share/write/vent/blog about writing or whatever we feel the need to. Then, hop around and visit other writers, offering support, help, ideas, and so on. It's an amazing group!

There's also the IWSG website HERE that has loads of helpful info.

Last month, I'd discussed how I was 3/4 done with my current manuscript, but an idea for another story had filtered in and wouldn't leave me alone. I'd tried different things to tame this idea and put it on hold, but nothing worked. My thoughts were a chaotic mess! 

I finally figured out why... this idea was the missing link to the WIP I'd been finishing up! I always knew something was off, and it's happened with other manuscripts, but I usually figure it out during revisions. 
This time, it happened early, and I'm happy with how it's coming together. 

At times, I get discouraged. I think every writer does. It's natural. But it's times like the above that helps me to appreciate the writing process. Thank you, IWSG bloggers, for listening and coasting me through it. You guys are the best!

"Strong characters are brought out by change of situation, and gentle ones by permanence." - Jean Paul 

~ Have a great rest of the week!


  1. YAY! So glad you found that missing link!

  2. I love it when an idea comes that can be integrated into something we're already working on! It's the best thing :)

  3. I love when that happens! Trying to make another story work when it's part of the first story altogether! It's like the dots connect!

  4. I'm so glad your chaotic mess straightened itself! How great to untangle it perfectly. Good Luck.

  5. I'm glad it all worked out for you! It's funny how that works, huh? ☺

  6. Oh how wonderful that you heeded the nagging thought and didn't lay it aside. Great reminder to let these things simmer and brew instead of growing cold.

  7. Your mind is sharp! I am happy it all came together for you! Sandy

  8. I've had that happen to me before (rarely, but it has happened) and boy does it make my life easier! Congrats on finding that missing link!

  9. Yay for the inspiration to fix a problem and improve the ms! That's wonderful! Kindly sprinkle me with that inspirational pixie dust because I've been stuck for about two months on a plot and a character problem... OK, a bunch of character problems... :(

  10. It's a good thing you didn't ignore that other idea. I love when chaos turns into a plan. Happy writing!

  11. Your brain thought on it for a while and then poof - the idea was there! Glad it was the missing piece of the puzzle.

  12. I'm going to have a scour through this the IWSG tonight. Thanks for all the links and postings

  13. It's good that you were able to figure out what was missing in your piece. Well done.

  14. Thanks, everyone, for the encouraging words! Much appreciated! :)

  15. Kudos for incorporating the new idea into your current project! My shiny new ideas like to distract me with plots & characters that refuse to wait in line. I can identify with poor Ron:)


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