
Friday, November 29, 2013

EYM and Celebrate the small things

Hello, Express Yourself-ers! It's EYM time ... the weekly meme that I co-host with Dani. We come up with a question/topic of some sort for other bloggers to share. The goal is for all of us to get to know one another better by expressing different things about ourselves. 
Also, I find that it helps me to stay accountable with my blogging. 
Please join us in the linky below!

Topic: Who do you look up to?

Jesus - amazing sacrifice.
My hubby - soulmate.
My sons - blessings galore
My sister - the bravest person I know.
My BFF - inner and outer strength
My betas - rockstars.
Troops - so grateful for their service
and of course, without a doubt, my soultwin...
We balance each other out, craziness and all.

Celebrate the Small Things is the fun weekly meme hosted by Viklit @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author, where bloggers share things they wish to celebrate, and then hop around to other bloggers to rejoice in their celebrations, too. :) Go HERE to sign up and join the celebration!

*Family time for Thanksgiving dinner
*Great shopping deals
*Sons basketball games. I love going and cheering them on!
*Those that I shared in my EYM list above.

Any celebrations you'd like to share?


  1. Great list of those you look up to! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving ;)

  2. Hope you enjoyed your family time on Thanksgiving :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and ate heaps!

  5. I love your list above, and that you included it in your celebrations. Sounds like a good week.

  6. Talk about counting your blessings! So wonderful that you are aware and constantly grateful.

  7. Aww! I love that collage of us!! I love the bottom right pic - it's amazing that I was preggo in that pic! You are definitely a HUGE blessing to me! And of course all the blessings you mentioned are wonderful people and make you who you are!

  8. Sounds like it was a fun holiday for you! Great inspirations, too. :)

  9. Aw, great list! There are so many everyday heroes all around us. :)

  10. It seems like you had a lovely Thanksgiving! I'm celebrating: 1.) living at the beach in California, 2.) finding out my tooth does not have to be pulled--it's a sinus infection!, and 3.) having my YA horror story, Death House, get accepted for publishing (woo hoo!), as well as having my short story, "Christmas After All" released in an anthology called A Touch of Winter. Happy Holidays!
    Carole Avila


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