
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spooktoberfest Winner and Runner Up's

Happy Halloween!!!

Spooktoberfest is over, and it was amazing! You writers made this a terrific blog hop! Thank you so much for participating. Dani and I had fun organizing this, but had a difficult time choosing the winner and runner up's because you all had wonderful stories.You all were THAT good. 

Dani and I both loved what each other picked, but we wanted to spread the wealth so we picked different ones. Why? We have another little surprise... the Runner-Up's will be receiving a little something special as well, and we didn't want any duplicates. 

Okay, I will quit babbling...

My choices for Spooktoberfest 2013 Runner Up's (Click on the badges to read their entries):

My choice for Spooktoberfest 2013 Winner (Click on badge to read her entry):

To read Dani's choices for Winner and Runner-Up's... go HERE

We will email you with details on getting your prizes to you and all that good stuff. 
Thanks again to all of you for entering and sharing your wonderful talents with us. Dani and I are blessed to have you all as blogging buddies! 
We heart you!!!


  1. Bahahaha! Love the Bitstrip! So funny! And so true about the fest. It was so hard to pick the winners and runner-ups. Can't wait to do this again next year. You all are wonderful writers, bloggers, and friends! Keep up the great work.

  2. I also love the Bitstrip! That's awesome! And thanks for selecting my story as a runner up! There were so many good pieces this year! Bev's story rocked, and she definitely deserved the win.

    Congratulations everyone!

    1. It was soooo hard to choose. You're a great writer!!! LOVED your entry.

  3. I'm so glad Bev won, I loved her story! Thanks for choosing mine as runner up, I really wasn't expecting that!

    1. I loved the boy and cat entry. It was sweet and then bam... total surprise on the turn of events! Great job, Laura!

  4. Congrats to all the amazing spooktacular writers and many thanks to Dani & Jackie for hosting such a fun event! Loved it!

    1. So glad you joined! Your flash fiction piece was clever and funny!!!

  5. Congrats to all the winners. Hi Jackie, you seemed to have really enjoyed co-hosting this.

  6. Mazel tov, Beverly! Your story was fantastically dark, wonderfully executed, and a real ghostly pleasure to read! Yay, you!!! :-)

  7. Congratulations to the winner and runners up!

    1. Thanks for joining! House was super sweet! Good work!

  8. Congrats to the winner and the runnersup -- and the whole blogfest, which elicited a wonderful crop of creepy tales. They were so fun to read. You and Dani rock! Happy Halloween! :-)

    1. Aww. Thank you, Lexa! We had so much fun doing this blogfest!

  9. Oh my gosh!!! Thank you!! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! Wow, did you make my day!

    I had SO MUCH fun participating in this, I will definitely be entering again next year! You and Dani are SO GREAT for hosting, thank you!

    Wow. Just stunned. Really.

    1. You're welcome. :) You deserve it for writing a brilliant flash fiction piece!

  10. Wonderful choices, wonderful contest, wonderful hosts. The whole party was...well...wonderful?

  11. Oh, and thank you for joining my doll blog! What a lovely surprise!


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