
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Express Yourself

Hello, Express Yourself-ers! It's EYM time ... the weekly meme that I co-host with Dani. We come up with a question/topic of some sort for other bloggers to share. The goal is for all of us to get to know one another better by expressing different things about ourselves.Also, I find that it helps me to blog more consistently. Sound fun? Join us in the linky below!

Topic for this week: What's your fave costume ever?

For a Halloween costume party my junior year of high school, I wore a pink sweater with an even pinker poodle skirt. The guy I was dating dressed as a greaser. It was so much fun, especially seeing the other costumes. 

How about you? Any favorite Halloween costumes? Are you dressing up this year?


  1. You were Grease in action!
    I was a zombie the last time I dressed up. That was many, many years ago...

  2. Ah, good ol' Grease. :D I used to have a T-Shirt that asked, "Are you too pure to be pink?"

  3. Sounds like it was a great time! I would love to have been there to see that!


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