
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

IWSG - Post #13

Insecure Writer's Support Group, hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh, is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds. 
To join, click on the links and post on your blog the first Wednesday of every month. Sign up and meet some awesome people!

My WIP is coming together *woot!* and I've decided to delve into organizing things visually, more than I normally do, so it's not all stored in my head. In the past, I've used a notepad, pencil/pens, and laptop, but this time around I wanted to try something different. 

So, with this manuscript, I use my laptop as well as:
post-it notes
index cards (lined and unlined, different colors)
steno pads
different colors of pens

What things do you use to help with telling your story? Any suggestions you have for staying organized? Thanks for any and all advice!

Check out other bloggers at Insecure Writer's Support Group.


  1. I'm not quite that organised! I used different coloured pens on my dissertation edits, but that's about it :)

  2. I'm rather basic. I just write down an outline and details about the characters. But we all have to do what works for us.

  3. Ooh, I'm a huge fan of post-its. HUGE. And I always find myself making a map of some kind too. ;)

  4. I'm not that colorful. I have a little notebook where I write down thoughts that occur to me. Other than that it is all on the computer.

  5. I use an outline and my computer but I have found myself using port-it's lately. Probably because my laptop is at home.

  6. I use a notebook with key notes on characters and background information, and an outline which I generally adapt as I go along (I've tried spreadsheets before but they didn't work for me). I don't use exactly the same method for every book I write, but these are the tried-and-tested ones. Who knows - maybe I'll try post-its in future, too!

  7. That's awesome news! When I write my first draft, I might use a notepad, but that's it. If I even outline anything, my pantser muse will take me off in a different direction!

  8. I'm such a visual person, I love your ideas. Colors-- boards-- even online tools can help break down what we are writing.

  9. I never organize. lol I'm bad at it.

  10. I'm just in the process of sorting through all my writing stuff to get a bit more organised. I have so many notebooks that have been bought with a purpose in mind but didn't get used properly.

    Now I have a small A5 notebook for ideas and planning, and a matching A4 one for handwriting first drafts. I have two sets of these, one for short stories and one for my larger WIP. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm moving forward with things rather than shuffling around on the spot.


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