
Monday, August 12, 2013

Express Yourself - this week and last week

Express Yourself is a weekly meme that I do with my fellow blogger and friend, Dani @Entertaining Interests

Our goal is to get to know other bloggers better through sharing about different things each week.

I missed last week. *sigh* So I will combine that question, as well as this weeks question, into one post.

Question for last week: What book/movie character/s do you relate to most?

Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series. Why? Because, in school, I was a - wait for it - bookworm, perfectionist, overachieving, introverted, know-it-all. And it for sure carried over into adulthood. :)

Question for this week: Which book/movie do you wish you lived in? 

I think it'd be cool to live in Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush series because of Patch, the main fallen angel slash guardian angel in her novels. 

But as for a different type setting, I'd choose Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series.... a school for vampires and dhampirs (hybrid of a vampire and human), learning how to fight off Strigoi (evil vamps) while getting a solid education? I am so there.

How about you all? What book or movie character can you relate to? Is there a book or movie setting that you'd like to live in for a while?

Dani and I would love if you joined our EYM. Sign up below in the linky and hop around to other bloggers to see their answers.


  1. Vampire Academi is on my list too. I loved Hush Hush, but I loved Mortal Instruments more.

    Have a great week!

  2. I hadn't heard of either of these until reading your post. They look intriguing though, thanks for the tip!

  3. I don't know if there is a movie place I'd want to live...I'll have to think hard!

  4. I've never read any of these books (believe it or not, have never read the Harry Potter series), but they sound like fun characters!


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