
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Express Yourself - Do you have a comfort book/movie?

Dani and I host the weekly meme - Express Yourself. 

Every week, we come up with a question/topic of some sort for other bloggers to answer. 

The goal is for all of us to get to know one another better by sharing different things about ourselves.

If you're not signed up, it'd be great if you joined in on the EYM! We're still in the process of going through the list... we've updated it little by little, and some people aren't active with it any longer, but we'll try to continue to update when we can. Thanks for your patience!

This week's question: What is your comfort book/movie?

My comfort book would be Stephen King's On Writing. I love the heck out of that book. It's packed full of knowledge and wit from one of the masters in and of the writing craft. 

My comfort movie... I have a few: Ratatouille, Reality Bites, and Tombstone. I don't know why they provide me comfort, they just do. I realize they are weird choices, but why be normal? :)

Do you have a comfort book or movie? 


  1. On Writing is an awesome book!

    I think when I feel overly stressed I turn to anything Harry Potter, lately anyway lol Movies or books they help me get lost. If not that, then romance comedies help me relax without having to think too much o_0

  2. I've never read On Writing, I really need to, I've heard a lot of good things about it.

    1. His experiences in the writing world are so helpful.

  3. I need to check that book out! Those are some great movies!

  4. I've heard lots of good things about ON WRITING.
    I'm going to post my Express Yourself tomorrow - I've been so horrid lately. Sorry :(

    1. No worries! We're glad you're still on board. :)

  5. My comfort books are Anne of Green Gables, anything by Anne Lamott and The Secret Garden.

    And I love chickflicks-- Fried Green Tomatoes, When Harry Met Sally-- etc. ;)

    1. I LOVE Fried Green Tomatoes!!! Great choice. :D

  6. Ratatouille is a great film. I'd probably pick Princess Bride. No matter how crappy I feel, it always makes me smile.

    1. I love Princess Bride. Such an awesome flick.

  7. Stephen King is my go-to author and The Dark Tower series would be my go-to comfort reading, but my comfort movies are straight up guilty pleasures that I am nearly ashamed to admit... they may never be published in my list of favorite movies, but if it's got Sandra Bullock in it, you'll find me curled up on the couch wearing ugly fuzzy socks and holding a carton of ice cream... and the one that's always on tv when I need it is: 'While You Were Sleeping'.

    1. I don't think I've seen that movie before. I'll have to check it out.

  8. Love the movie Ratatouille! I have so many comfort movies and books that I reread and re-watch that it'd take forever to write. I need to check out King's book on writing, though.

  9. I've wanted to read On Writing for ages, and I've finally got around to reserving it from the library. I'm hoping it comes in for me soon!

    1. yay! Hope you enjoy it! I learned a lot from it.


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