
Friday, July 12, 2013

Celebrate the small things

Instructions: Each Friday, share things you wish to celebrate and then hop around to other bloggers to see their celebrations.

My celebrations for the week:

*One of my sons turned 13 this week! :D

*I'm at 18k for my current WIP. woot!

*We bought a new grill. I'm so excited because our old one quit working. So now we can grill out again!!! Yummy! 

What celebrations do you have for the week? 

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. So what are you grilling this weekend? We'll come celebrate with you!

    1. We're having hamburgers and hot dogs tomorrow to celebrate one of my sons bday's! Swing on by! :)

  2. Yay for 18k and Happy Birthday to your son! Lots to celebrate :)

  3. Happy Birthday to your son and HURRAH to 18k

  4. Yippee for WIP developments, birthdays, new grills and sunshine to bbq in. Have a wonderful weekend! Writer’s Mark

  5. Keep going with your writing. 18k is brilliant. And enjoy your delicious grilled meals - yum :)

  6. hey, we hav a couple if those in common!
    my middle guy turned 13 in june!
    and i just past 18k last week too!

    and cheers to grilling again! yay us!


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