
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Heroes & Villains Blogfest

Hello, Bloggerville! It's Heroes & Villains Blogfest time. 
I'm co-hosting this fun hop with Dani @Entertaining Interests.

Sign up in the linky below and tell us about your favorite heroes and villains. It'd be pretty cool, but not mandatory, if you'd tweet us your info and use the hashtag so we can check out your posts!

Dani: @danibertrand

Jackie: @jackiefel


Daryl Dixon: He's from The Walking Dead TV series. And he is THE man. Is there a Walker around the bend? Don't worry. Daryl has your back with that trusty crossbow. He's also a tracker and hunter, feeds babies, and rides a motorcycle. He is for sure someone you need during any kind of apocalyptic type future.

Fave line: People in Hell want slurpees.

Iron Man/Tony Stark:  Yes, he's narcissistic and snarky, but I love that about him. He's also a genius and protective of those he cares for. Robert Downey, Jr was the perfect choice to play him on the big screen. 

Fave line: When C. Everheart says: You've been called the Da Vinci of our time. What do you say to that? T. Stark says: Absolutely ridiculous. I don't paint.

<-- This is my comic. Yes, Iron Man is my fave superhero. 


The Joker: He is certifiably crazy. And morals? He has none. Zilch. Nada. He simply does not care. I thought he was coo-coo in the comics, but Heath Ledger dug deep to make The Joker even creepier. He was the perfect counterpart for Batman. 

Fave line: How about a magic trick?

So, bloggers, who are your ultimate heroes and villains?
Sign up and visit other bloggers today! :)


  1. Oh eff me!!! I forgot about Daryl so high five dude!!! I'm slapping your a$$ when I see you for that one!! Joker is the perfect villain but do you have a fave one or just joker in general?

    1. Heath Ledger from The Dark Knight was amazing, but in general... The Joker period -- comics, movies, etc. :)

    2. And LMAO off to slapping my booty! :)

  2. GREAT choices, Jackie! I'm a huge fan of the Walking Dead series (both comics and tv show)and Daryl has seriosuly grown on me over the course of things thus far. If something needs to get done, he gets it done. And Stark is wonderful, at least in the movies (I haven't read the comics). I love his snarky banter.

    And you're so right- the Joker was always an amazing character but Ledger brought a depth to it that shot him into the realm of the gods as a living embodiment of chaos. So great.

    Thank you SO MUCH for hosting this!

    1. Yay for a Walking Dead fan!!! I heart Daryl.
      Thanks for participating!

  3. I'm with you on Tony Stark. I have to admit that, not being a comic reader, it's his Robert Downey Jr incarnation that I'm familiar with. I love Iron Man 3, but it's The Avengers where he comes into his own for me.

    I love Jack Nicholson's Joker from Tim Burton's Batman, JN had a great madness about him that was compelling. I will break with almost everyone else and say I didn't like Ledger's version of The Joker, but that was probably his point :)

    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles

    1. I love The Avengers. All of them together have chemistry and great bantering.

  4. Joker is one of mine too- Old version
    My Blog

  5. The Joker is a great villain and I have to admit, Ledger (who I was never a fan of) hit the role out of the park. He was amazing!

    I would have never thought of Daryl Dixon, but it makes a lot of sense....good pick!

    Thanks for hosting this hop, it's been fun :)

  6. Those are some great heroes and an awesome villain. Love your picks.

  7. Gotta love the Joker. Especially Heath Ledger's version.

    The Other Side

    1. Yeah, Heath was perfect. Thanks for visiting!

  8. I love Iron Man, I think he makes a great villain, if a little unconventional.

  9. I still need to acquaint myself with all of the Iron Man films. I don't quite know what I've been doing to have missed them all!

    1. Yes, you need to watch them! They are so good! :)

  10. I think Heath Ledger's Joker is so interesting because he gives such a thorough look at the Joker's personality and attitude toward the world even though we know absolutely nothing about the character's real background or motivations. It's a real feat of characterization.

  11. I love that caption for Daryl's photo.

  12. Tony Stark has the best lines!


  13. I seriously need to start watching The Walking Dead. My hubs doesn't do zombies though, so I have to find a time to watch it without him.

    1. I recommend watching them for sure. Daryl grew so much through these seasons. It's fun watching him go from a jerk to a kickbutt character!

  14. You definitely hit the mark with Daryl. Believe it or not, I caught my first episode of The Walking Dead mid-season last year. OMGosh...I'm planning on watching the first seasons on Netflix during some rainy summer days this summer!

    1. That's a great idea about watching them this summer so when Oct. comes around, you'll be caught up! :)

  15. Great choices here in both categories. The Joker was just pure evil - I loved him! And I love Downey Jr. as Iron Man too. I've never seen Walking Dead, but you made him sound like the perfect man. :) Writer’s Mark

    1. :) He's close to perfect. hehe
      Thanks for visiting!

  16. I couldn't get in to the Walking Dead, but I have seen your top choice on Tumblr several times :). I love Iron Man and it's RDJ's fault ... I was never fond of him before that.

    Thank you so much for hosting the blogfest - it's a great topic.
    Tasha's Thinkings

  17. I haven't seen Walking Dead and I didn't know who DD was, but that zombie bit on his picture made me laugh. I guess I want him with me at the zombie apocalypse. :)

  18. I haven't seen that show either, but I also loved the pick and the caption. I think he would be great to have with me in a zombie apocalypse.
    Great blogfest - I'm a little late, and hope that's ok.

  19. I'm right with you when it comes to The Joker, Heath Ledger took the character from insane (but still funny) guy, to run he's gonna kill you after he cuts your face guy. But you still feel for him.

  20. The Joker-- the ultimate sociopath. Well played character, indeed.

  21. All very good choices. I didn't choose Darryl from WD, but did choose the other two. Ah, Heath Ledger, bless his sole!

  22. Have you seen Jack Nicholson's Joker? He's always the first Joker to pop into my mind. I don't watch Walking Dead, but my kids do and they are ALWAYS talking about Daryl, so he must be pretty awesome.

    Thanks for setting up this fest - it's a very fun one!

  23. Ironman...I love Ironman - well, not so much Iron man, but Tony Stark. I love his humour, and I love the way he has to battle inner demons as well as those baddies...Great Choice, and great blogfest. Thanks to you and Dani for hosting :)

  24. Iron Man is definitely one of my favorite movie heroes. Robert Downey Jr. was awesome in the role.

  25. I've never gotten into the Walking Dead series, but I think I might have to now.

  26. Heath did such a great job of being Joker. He'll be remembered for his genius.

  27. Daryl! How could I forget him?! Awesome picks. Thanks for hosting this cool blogfest. (I'm slowly getting around to people!)


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