
Friday, June 14, 2013

Express Yourself- Movie time and Celebrate the small things 6-14

What makes you tick? What inspires you to write? How does the outside world influence you? Whether it be a quote, a list of favorite things/people, a question, a song, etc. each week, Dani and I will find different topics to post for the Express Yourself Meme. It'll correlate with writing, blogging, and life in general. Then, we hope, you’ll follow suit and post, too.

This week, Dani and I would like to know... 

What are the last two movies you've watched?

I haven't been to the movies in a while, but the last two I've watched on TV were

Grease 2 and Step Brothers. 

This is the weekly meme hosted by Viklit @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author.

Instructions: Each Friday, share things you wish to celebrate achieving for that week.

My celebrations:

  • I finished another revise. Woot! 
  • I celebrated my birthday this week. :) My family and friends spoiled me and made the day so wonderful! 
  • Received this amazing book- made by Dani, and my co-worker made this floral bouquet and put a pic of Adam Levine in it. <3 *sigh* 
  • One of my sons baseball team sang happy birthday after the game and gave me the game ball. So sweet!

What celebrations do you have to share for the week?


  1. Happy Birthday!!! That's so sweet that they gave you the game ball :)
    I can't even remember the last time I saw Grease II. The last two movies I saw in the theater were Hansel and Gretel and Epic.

  2. Happy Birthday! Those look like some great gifts :)

  3. Yes, I think you had an awesome birthday and received some pretty great gifts too! ;D Good job on the revise!

  4. Happy Birthday! I love that the team serenaded you and gave you the game ball. That's awesome.

  5. "Boats and hos!" LOL That movie is so silly!

    Happy Birthday!

  6. What a great way to celebrate your birthday!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! & Love the Adam Levine bouquet!

    1. Thanks, VIkki! The Adam Levine bouquet was awesome! :)

  8. Happy to hear you had such a great birthday! :) Hope the good times keep going throughout the year.

  9. Happy birthday!
    Last two movies - Fast and Furious 6 and Man of Steel. Yes, saw it this afternoon! Awesome flick.

  10. Sounds like you had a lovely birthday week :)

  11. It does sound like you had a WONDERFUL birthday celebration. Mine is today, and I'm looking forward to being out in the beautiful sunshine (and dark movie theater!). Have a wonderful upcoming week. :) Writer’s Mark

  12. Congrats on the revise! Such an accomplishment and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Celebrating with fellow bloggers is such a great HOP!

    Meredith (@MeredithRaeJ)
    Meredith’s Musings


Comments make me happy. So do photos of Adam Levine... <3