
Friday, June 21, 2013

Celebrate the small things...

This is the weekly meme hosted by Viklit @ Scribblings of an Aspiring Author.

Instructions: Each Friday, share things you wish to celebrate achieving for that week.

My celebrations:

  • Started my New Adult WIP this week! I'm so excited to delve into new characters.
  • Finished reading an ARC. Now I have two more to go.
  • Wrote my first book review. I was so nervous because I've never done it before, and I wanted to do the book justice. Now, I need to write more reviews of some amazing books I've read. :)
What celebrations do you have for the week?


  1. Yay for new characters! Here's hoping the excitement knows no end :)

  2. Ahhh a new story in your head-- very wonderful! Where did you write your review?

    1. I came up with the idea a couple months ago, but couldn't work on it because I was revising for another MS.
      But this week, I've been writing my NA. YAY!

      As for the review, I wrote it on goodreads and on my blog. :D

  3. There's nothing like starting a new project :)

  4. Yay for doing the book review. I'm still not brave enough to write one. One day ... maybe.

    1. I don't think I'll have write a negative one. There's no point IMO. I stick with the nice reviews! :) Being encouraging and supportive are the ways to go.

  5. Reviews are great - so glad you got started. Congrats on starting a new project. May the honeymoon stage be wonderful and turn into a beautiful, lasting relationship. Writer’s Mark

  6. Yay for new ideas and projects. Good luck.

  7. Book reviews aren't easy to write. You got through one which means you can do another.

  8. Oooh congrats on starting doing book reviews!

  9. Writing reviews is quite hard, isn't it? We have to give enough of our own opinion to make it worth doing, but not so much that we don't leave any room for others to make up their own minds. Good luck with your new projects.

  10. Congratulations on all you have achieved! :)


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