
Monday, April 22, 2013

S is for Severus Snape and the Salvatore Brothers

Severus Snape is in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter novels. What Rowling did with this character is brilliant. If you've read the books and seen the movies, I trust you agree.
Two quotes I adore by Snape:
  • "You might be laboring under the delusion that the entire wizarding world is impressed with you." (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)
  • "Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little walk... in the moonlight, are we?(The Prisoner of Azkaban) 

The Salvatore Brothers – Stefan and Damon – are characters in L.J. Smith's novel series The Vampire Diaries.
While Stefan is brooding, romantic, and loyal, his older brother Damon is the bad boy of all bad boys. I adore both guys, but Damon is my fave. They are both in love with Elena Gilbert, the main protag in the series. I’ve only read books 1 and 2, but I’m a huge fan of the TV series and love how these boys tapped in perfectly with these characters. They are a couple of gorgeous vampires. **sigh**

For details and participants, check out the A to Z Blogging Challenge HERE.


  1. I've heard a lot about the Vampire Diaries, but haven't read or seen it. I really should check it out, if only to see those 2 gorgeous vampires. :)

  2. Love Snape!
    I don't know much about the Salvatore brothers but they are good looking.

  3. My favorite Snape quote is probably Alan Rickman saying "Turn to Page 394." The delivery of that line was perfect and awesome. But I also love the clip you used here.

    And I haven't read the Vampire Diaries books, but I'm a huge fan of the show. Damon is my favorite.

  4. Aww I love Snape. I love that he absolutely fooled Harry (and us) right until the last second.

  5. One of these days I'm going to have to break down and read at least one of these books.

  6. Loved and hated Snape... ah half-blood prince I need to re-read you again. I was watching VD for a few seasons then it got away from me.

    1. Hey in response to your post, my e-mail is

  7. Snape was a well done character and was like an iceberg. So much more below the water than above.

    I've never seen the Vampire Diaries--or read the books. I'd probably be more inclined to read the books.

  8. Salvatore brothers, yes, please!
    I love Vampire Diaries. My guilty pleasure.

  9. I love all of these characters. I like Damion a little more than Stephan. LJ Smith did a great job writing both characters but I really love the deep hidden compassion she gave Damion.

  10. Excellent S choices. Love Severus Snape!

  11. Ooooh, good S characters! I read the Vampire Diaries when I was a kid and loved it. I'm telling you, L. J. Smith was way before her time - she had some great, original ideas!

  12. those two brothers sound very interesting! i think i would take the romantic :)

  13. I always go for the bad boys. ;)

  14. S should always be for Snape. :) He is such a magnificent character—I love going back to book 1 and re-reading knowing everything I do after finishing book 7.

    Given your good taste in Snape, I suppose I ought go check out these Salvatore boys...

  15. J'adore Severus Snape. Even after all the bad stuff, I had faith that he was a righteous Dude. And he was.
    Some Dark Romantic

  16. I'm a huge Severus Snape fan. His voice makes me swoon.


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