
Friday, April 12, 2013

K is for Katniss Everdeen & Celebrate the small things

My A to Z Blogging theme in April will be about my fave book characters.

Katniss is a protag in Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games trilogy. While Gale is my favorite male in the books, Katniss is my fave female in them.
Great facts about Katniss:
  1. She’s a role-model: shows that girls are strong, that they can succeed.
  2. Provider
  3. Hunter
  4. Archer
  5. Brave
  6. The name Katniss derives from a marine plant. It has arrowhead shaped leaves and three white petals with purple pollen.
  7. Nicknames: Catnip and Girl on fire

Memorable quotes:
Katniss: “I volunteer!” I gasp. “I volunteer as tribute!”

Katniss to her younger sister Prim, referring to the back of her shirt sticking out of her skirt. “Tuck your tail in, little duck.”

It's time to Celebrate the Small Things hosted by the awesome Vikki @Scribblings of an Aspiring Author. Visit her site to join and to read what other bloggers are celebrating!

My celebrations this week:

  • That I scheduled my posts for the A to Z Challenge instead of scrambling around like I did last year, which was way too stressful to do that way.
  • I'm putting a good dent in my revisions! Woot woot!
  • Kimmy - a fabulous CP and friend. Thanks for everything!
  • I found a candle that reminds me of my grandma's hugs. I know it might sound strange to some, but when we'd hug I'd smell a woodsy scent. I miss her and this candle brought me comfort.
Any celebrations or happy moments you'd like to share?


  1. This is my first time in A to Z, and there's no way I could've pulled it together at the end. At the start I had about 90% of my posts written and I've got half posted in advance. Now time to work on the other half of the alphabet.

    1. Yeah I don't recommend doing it how I did last's too much to cram in with a short amount of time.

  2. Katniss is hardcore!
    Isn't it nice to have the challenge done already!
    I wish I remembered what my Grandmothers smells were like.

    1. Aww. Well you have other memories to cherish of them, like sense of humor...the mats that your gma would flip over so the pokey side would stick up. :)

  3. Love Katniss!

    The candle? I totally get it. I'm glad you found it. Also, big yay for getting those revisions going ;)

  4. I like Katniss. She's a strong woman.

  5. Hello, Jackie! Great character choice for K. Katniss is a strong young woman!

    Good luck with the rest of your revisions!!

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  6. Your comment about being reminded of your grandma, brought tears to my eyes - how lovely. I miss my Nan too.

    Katniss is a GREAT choice for K!

    1. Aww I'm sorry. It's hard at times but just that little candle made me feel like home. :)

  7. Katniss is a terrific character. I love her spunk.

  8. Good post, great novel, and I thought it was an excellent movie.

  9. What flavor is that candle? I am a candle junkie.

    1. It's called Treehouse Memories by Yankee Candle. :)

  10. Katniss is awesome in The Hunger Games. I recently reread the series and I had forgotten her humour, as well as her bravery in book one.

    I had stopped liking her by Mockingjay though. There is only so much self-loathing I can stomach from a MC.

  11. Katniss sounds like my kind of character. I've never read the Hunger Games... I guess it's time.Peanut Butter and Whine

  12. I associate certain candle scents with memories.

    I'm not scrambling around with A to Z like I did last year. I'm so glad I planned my posts ahead of time.

    Happy revising.


Comments make me happy. So do photos of Adam Levine... <3