
Saturday, April 6, 2013

F is for Finn Carter

Finn is a character in Tara Fuller's YA novel, Inbetween, and he's kindly stopped by my blog to chat.

Jackie: Describe yourself in four words.   
Finn: Hmmm...four words. Dead, determined, Extremely handsome? That last one counts as two, right? ;) 

Jackie: Absolutely *blushes* As a Grim Reaper, are there any perks? Cons?
Finn: Perk? You get to see the world change right before your eyes, societies are built and fall. People are born and die. The con? You don't get to truly be a part of a single second of it. We are doomed to sit on the sidelines, only taking, never giving. So yeah...a few more cons than perks in my line of work.
Jackie: You were a fighter pilot in WWII… do you miss flying?
Finn: More than anything. There was something so freeing about gliding through the sky, leaving the world below.

Jackie: Tell us about Emma.
Finn: Emma is everything. She's selfless, kind, beautiful...damn, I don't know. She makes me feel something that should have stayed buried with my body. She makes me feel alive.

Jackie: You can take Emma on a surprise date anywhere in the world… where would you go and why? 
Finn: I'd take her flying. I would give anything for her to know that guy I used to be. The one with a heart beat and pulse and the ability to be exactly what she deserves. I think if I had to chance to get her up in the sky, she'd get a glimpse of him.  

Thank you, Tara, for having Finn stop by!

Since the car crash that took her father’s life three years ago, Emma’s life has been a freaky — and
unending — lesson in caution. Surviving “accidents” has taken priority over being a normal seventeen-year-old, so Emma spends her days taking pictures of life instead of living it. Falling in love with a boy was never part of the plan. Falling for a reaper who makes her chest ache and her head spin? Not an option.

It’s not easy being dead, especially for a reaper in love with a girl fate has put on his list not once, but twice. Finn’s fellow reapers give him hell about spending time with Emma, but Finn couldn’t let her die before, and he’s not about to let her die now. He will protect the girl he loves from the evil he accidentally unleashed, even if it means sacrificing the only thing he has left…his soul.

Links for Tara Fuller's Inbetween

Check out the A to Z Blogging Challenge HERE and view other bloggers participating in this amazing opportunity.


  1. I put this book on my TBR list. Sounds fantastic!

    Finn, you sound like quite the guy. ;)

  2. The very best of luck with this years A-Z :)

  3. Ooh, a reaper falling in love with a girl he's supposed to "dispatch" is bound to lead to all sorts of trouble. Great interview!

  4. Chocolate makes me happy too.

    I'm lovin this Blog Challenge! Its fuckin' rockin my face off.

  5. ahaha my tbr list is growing by leaps and bounds and we are only on F.

  6. I love character interviews like this, they're so fun. Finn sounds like an awesome character, even though I'm totally creeped out by the Grim Reaper!
    I'm looking forward to seeing the other characters you spotlight. :)

  7. I love character interviews! So much fun! Will have to go check out Inbetween. Sounds like a good book!

  8. Thanks for having Finn on for the interview Jackie! =)

    1. Thank you for letting him visit and for writing such a wonderful character and book! :D

  9. Falling for a reaper, not that doesn't sound like a good idea. I haven't heard of this one, sounds like a good read.

  10. Sounds like an intriguing story!

  11. This sounds like a very interesting premise! Look forward to the rest of your challenge posts, and hope you've had a good week so far.
    Damyanti @Daily(w)rite
    Co-host, A to Z Challenge 2013

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  12. I love your Characters theme you've got going for the A-Z! Fun stuff. (The only one I've heard of so far is Edward, so I'm getting ideas of some books I may want to put on my to be read shelf!)

    Stoppin by from A-Z!

  13. Love the title! And I see you're doing characters. YAY! I did them last year, this year just doing villains and settings. I must catch up on your posts!


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