
Monday, February 4, 2013

Express Yourself - Character Crushes

It's Express Yourself Meme time hosted by Dani and me.
This week's topic:  Who are your character crushes?

Here's my list of top 8 character crushes, with room to add more as I discover them in future books. I used three words to describe why I love these characters.

8. Louis de Pointe du Lac - vampire, brooding, beautiful - from Anne Rice's novel, Interview with the Vampire.
7. Noah Calhoun - determined, loyal, passionate- from Nicholas Sparks' novel, The Notebook.
6. Carter Jax - sweet, cute, loving - from Chelsea Fine's novel, Sophie & Carter. 
5. Ian Hollister - tattoos, protective, yummy - from Jaycee Delorenzo's novel, The Truths About Dating and Mating.
4. Radleigh McCoy - magnetic, arrogant, gorgeous - from Kyra Lennon's Game On series.
3. Dimitri Belikov - strong, guarded, alluring - from Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series.
2. Damon Salvatore - sarcastic, bad-boy, delish - from The Vampire Diaries (TV series more than the book) played by Ian Somerhalder.
.... and my #1 character crush?
1. Patch Cipriano - dangerous, angel, protective, hottie, cocky, beautiful - from Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush Hush series. Yeah, I used more than three words, but I can't help it. I heart Patch.

Do you have any character crushes? What is it that you love about them?

Here's a new set of Express Yourself Meme questions. Dani and I came up with some fun ones so we hope you'll join by signing up in the linky below.


  1. *hugs you for mentioning Radleigh*

    Ian from The Truths About Dating and Mating is exceptionally hot!

  2. i am sure i have had the crushes before--but none come to mind---my "dil" has a major one on a character in the "outlander" series!!

  3. I have a lot of character crushes, but usually I like a guy character because he's part of an amazing character couple. I love to see how those couples support each other and push each other to grow and be better.

  4. Oh my! 4! We share 4 of the same on our lists. We share a brain! Soultwins!

  5. I'm probably weird, but I don't think I've ever had any crushes on characters from books. Now, TV characters...I've had many. :)

  6. Woot! My Ian made the list! (Dances)

    Thank you! And there are some great choices on here!

  7. Woot! My Ian made the list! (Dances)

    Thank you! And there are some great choices on here!

  8. *sigh* I've never read most of those books. Guess my reading list just got bigger :)

  9. I did so love Dimitri and Louis too. My favorite two are Barrons (Karen Marie Moning's Fever series) and Bones (Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series).


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