
Monday, December 3, 2012

Express Yourself - Most Memorable Holiday Gift

Express Yourself is a weekly meme. Its goal is to help our fellow bloggers get to know each other better, and even help motivate one another. What makes you, you? What inspires you to write? How’s the outside world influencing you? Whether it be a quote, a list of favorite things, a question, a song, and so on, Dani and I will find something different to post about. It'll correlate with writing, blogging, or just life in general. Then, we hope, you’ll follow suit and post, too.

The question this week - What's your most memorable holiday gift? 

Update: For this meme, Dani and I didn't list our children. Or our husbands. Or even the gift of life. Those things, above all, are the best gifts ever. 
But for this question, we're wanting to know what present someone gave you that you remember most.

On Christmas morning, when I was a little girl, I walked downstairs to a doll house with a red bow on top of its roof. It wasn't just any doll house. It was custom made by my parents. My dad had built the wooden house with four rooms--two on top and two on bottom, and the floors had beige shag carpet. My mom had made curtains for the windows and pasted wallpaper on the walls. I remember the "dining room" had a tiny, sparkly chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and the wallpaper matched the paper from our own dining room--muted greens and blues. 
I don't know who was more excited, me or my parents. But it was perfect!

What's a holiday gift that you remember most, that was special to you and/or your loved ones?

The EYM Banner for December....


  1. Oh that doll house sounds amazing! I had one of those Barbie ones but I always wanted a handmade one more. You lucky dog!

    1. I wanted a Barbie house, like the one in Toy Story. LOL But I did love my doll house the best!

  2. My dad made me a Barbie house too. And I was so into Barbies back then. It's not sitting in my 6-yr-old daughter's room. It's gotten a new paint job recently, but the 1990s carpet and linoleum is still in good condition. :) (Got rid of that 80s flooring a while back.)

    1. That's so cool you still have it! I have three younger brothers, and when I got older, they decided to play with it, too. Which really means, not be delicate. G.I. Joe took up residence. LOL

  3. Oh a doll house-- I always wanted one! My most memorable gift was the birth of daughter 17 years ago, just a few weeks prior to Christmas. Everything else pales in comparison!

  4. hmmm since i wrote today about one--i will choose another---maybe the cassette player/radio my parents gave me :)

    1. I'll go check your blog out!
      I got one of those when I was a teen. Great memories!

  5. Oh, this totally reminded me of the doll house I had as a kid. My dad and I worked together to build it and my mom and I decorated it. This post made me smile. Thanks Jackie. (:

    1. Awww. You're welcome, Elise! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I had a homemade dollhouse as a kid too, and mine also had carpet (my carpet was blue). Homemade dollhouses are better because they're so unique!

  7. Oh wow, that sounds wonderful! Your parents must have spent hours on it. What a great way to kick off Christmas!

  8. I would've loved a dollhouse as a child, even though I normally wasn't much into girly stuff. My parents probably wouldn't have been able to afford it, just like they couldn't buy me a beautiful redhaired baby doll I'd fallen in love with. If I have kids before I'm too old, I'll make sure to buy them all the things I wanted so much when I was growing up without much money.

    1. We didn't have a lot of money either which is why they built it. It was beautiful!

  9. Sorry I accidentally entered the wrong link the first time. My second entry is the correct one!

    1. No worries. I fixed it. Thanks for participating in the meme!

  10. My link does want to work and it wont let me edit or redo the link...

  11. The best presents are ones made for us by the people we love. Did you keep the dolls house?

    1. Very true.
      Unfortunately, I do not have the doll house anymore. My brothers got a hold of it later on in life. :/


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