
Monday, December 17, 2012

Cover Reveal - The Devil's Triangle

Toni De Palma's cover reveal for The Devil's Triangle is here! Take a look at it, and the book blurb. Amazing. I can't wait to get my hands on this!

The Devil's Triangle
by Toni De Palma

When 17 year old Cooper dies in an attempt to burn down his school, he finds himself in the afterlife. Lucy, the Devil's sister who has crossed party lines, decides to give Cooper another shot at heaven. The deal? Cooper returns to Earth and has to find a girl named Grace. The rest is up to him.
While Cooper figures out his mission, he's thrown into the life he's always wanted. Great parents, a spot on the Varsity football team and a real future are all within reach. But what he really wants is Grace, a feisty girl with an abusive boyfriend that can pound Cooper into pulp if he doesn't watch out.
While Lucy plays demonic-puppeteer, clues to an unknown past between Cooper and Grace start to unravel. Cooper discovers that what's keeping he and Grace apart is far more sinister than anything this bad boy could have ever imagined.

978-1-939173-03-4Devil’s Triangle print
978-1-939173-04-1Devil’s triangle Ebook

You can find Toni and The Devil's Triangle by clicking on the following sites:


  1. Ha! Ha! I have comments and chocolate so come on over :) Thank you for featuring my book today. I can't wait to share Cooper's story with your readers!

  2. Yay for chocolate!!! :D I can't wait to read this. It sounds like an amazing read, and it's a gorgeous cover!


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