
Monday, November 26, 2012

Express Yourself - Quirky Quirks

List 5 imperfections about yourself that might bug others, but it's what makes you, well, you. :D

1. I twirl my hair A LOT. It's a habit I've done since I was a little girl, and for some reason, it tends to drive some people crazy... which I don't know why since I'm not bothering them any. :/

2. When we have company over, I have little cleaning spurts, and sometimes I don't even realize it. Someone will be talking, and I'll grab Clorox wipes and clean the counter-tops that are already clean, and they'll ask me what I'm doing. Er... cleaning? 

3. To some, I get my left and right mixed up. But to me, it makes sense. When someone says, "It's on the left" I question which left because I tend to look at something like I'm actually in it, so it seems backwards to others. Confused? 

4. Certain words come out odd sounding.... coffee, car, are, ground, etc. Like my R's are borderline pirate without the long drug out version of the R. Does that make sense? Probably not. *sigh* I get made fun of for my weird sounding words. :D 

5. I'm late, no matter how much I plan ahead. I know it's rude and believe me, I TRY to be on time, but gosh darnit, I have to round up four boys and my hubby, so I think I have somewhat of a pass, right?

What are some of your quirks that drive people batty?


  1. *giggles* I have issues with left and right too!

  2. Different... the word that makes me giggle is "different". You say "diffurnt". I love it!

    And yes... you do all of this and I love you for all of it! Oh and you make that funny noise with you mouth. lmao!

    1. I forgot about that word! Different... "diffurnt"... hehe
      I'm glad you love me and my quirks. :D

  3. Four boys? You have earned that pass.

    Left and right mix-up? I once had an ASL teacher ask me if I was dyslexic. Think about that...;)

    1. Aww. That's funny! :D And sounds like something that would happen to me!

  4. I get right and left confused.
    I'm a perfectionist, which drives my wife nuts sometimes. Is that an imperfection?

    1. I'm a perfectionist, too. Sometimes, I get frustrated with myself for being that way! LOL

  5. I tend to be a worrier—drives my husband crazy... :)

    1. I worry, too... even silly stuff that doesn't deserve a second thought. *ugh*

  6. LOL on the "Rs" in your words. I do that too, but deliberately, 'cause I totally dig sounding like a (fake) pirate. Aaaaaargh... ;-)

    PS: All that chocolate? Gone, gone, gone...
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Yay to us pirate wannabes!!!

      It was hard for me to send that chocolate without eating it... er, I mean, without misplacing it. LOL

  7. I've got the perfectionist and worrier genes going on, and sometimes I jump between subjects too fast without fully connecting (out loud) how I got there. Tricky to keep up with that wild imagination sometimes. ;)

    1. I think writers have the perfectionist and worrying thing down pat! :D

  8. Oh, you're directionally challenged too? :) I hope your driver's test went better than mine. Love this meme idea!

    1. Yeah, my test went well, shockingly. :D

      Thanks! I love the meme, too. It's fun getting to know other bloggers!

  9. haha...we have two of the same quirks. I have a hard time with my left/right. I don't know why. It's just a weird thing of mine. My husband and kids laugh at me all the time. haha

    And I am also perpetually late. No matter how much I try not to be. Actually, that's not true. I can make it somewhere on my own...but if the family is with me, were bound to be late. Always!

    1. Cool that we have two of the same quirks! :D

  10. Yes, although I did not add these two things - I am always late and sometimes words get mixed up in my head and come out wrong from my mouth! I think too fast!

    1. Words get mixed up for me, too. Even when typing! :)


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