
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

IWSG - August - post #5

It's IWSG time. The host, Alex J. Cavanaugh, states it best: IWSG is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! 
To join, click on the IWSG pic below and post on your blog the first Wednesday of every month. Go sign up and meet some awesome people.

July has been busy for my family so I haven't accomplished all that I had planned, but it's okay. I'll get there.

The main thing I've been dealing with is the fear that others won't think I'm a good enough writer.
Here's an edited convo I had with one of my critique partners the other night, edited because we talked about other things in between that don't pertain to this.

Laura:  I CAN'T WAIT to read what you've written. Send it over whenever you like.
Me:  Um, what if what I wrote sucks donkey doodoo? Then, I will have wasted your time. :( 
L:  Get over yourself. Who cares if you wrote donkey doodoo? You won't know until you share it. And maybe it's totally awesome. It's probably totally awesome, because I love your voice. Anyhoo, send over your stuff! Now!! :)
Me: LMAO. You about made me choke on my water!!!
L:  Glad I could make you laugh. :)

My point to sharing this? Even my CP's keep me in check when my insecurities bite at me. 
And she's right. Who cares if it's donkey doodoo? I'm writing, which I love to do. And if I love my work, first and foremost, that's what matters at this point. 

I leave you with this quote...

"Each one of us requires the spur of insecurity to force us to do our best." ~ Harold W. Dodds

Happy writing to you all!


  1. That's an excellent quote! And your work could never be donkey doodoo!

  2. That is a great quote! And it sounds like you have a great CP! :) You're working on your writing, sending it to CPs, I'm betting it's not donkey doodoo either. :)

    1. I sure hope it's not. :D Thanks for stopping by, Rachel!

  3. Ha ha donkey doodoo :-D

    I'm sure your writing isn't, by the way. Just thought it was funny.

    1. Yeah, I have my moments. :) Thanks for checking out my blog!

  4. I can vouch for Jackie that she's a GREAT writer whether she believes it or not! Keep on writing - you WILL get there!

  5. Wow our insecurities really are similar this month! It's good to know that we all feel like this sometimes and it's a natural part of writing. I agree that we shouldn't care if our writing isn't as amazing as we might think. I've cometo realize that writing is a process and no one, not even the best writers get it right the first time.

  6. Obviously Laura is a brilliant CP. I know I need my CP's to give me a kick in the pants when I'm feeling like I suck. Good to know I'm not the only one and I'm sure your writing is fabulous!

  7. I heart me that quote! CPs are a safe haven for our unpolished stuff - they're in the same places we are, and no matter how successful, or how often we've been at it, writers at every level benefit from a kindly critical eye. So send her your stuff, already! ;-)
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. Hehe, I sent it. In fact, getting ready to send her more. :D

  8. Great quote! I worry about writing donkey doodoo too:) Thank goodness for CP's. It sounds like you've got a great one.

    1. Yeah, she's pretty wonderful. I have three CP's and don't know what I'd do without them!

  9. That's a great quote by Dodds! Not sure I want to get rid of all my insecurities (even if I could) as they keep me edgy and sharp and trying to do better.

    1. Exactly! We need them to help, not to hinder. Finding the right balance is key.

  10. Sounds like I could use a CP not only to read my "donkey doodoo", but to keep me on track and keep me in check! Great IWSG post, thanks for sharing, Jackie!

    1. CP's are so helpful, not just for support, but also in helping with plot issues, awkward wording, suggestions, etc. But mostly, I LOVE the friendships that we've developed. <3

  11. Great quote. And its so true. That's what CPs are for, to wade through the doodoo

    1. I don't know how some ppl go without a CP. I'm too chaotic. They help ground me and keep my head above water.

  12. Donkey doodoo - my first real laugh of the morning!
    Aren't critique partners awesome?

    1. Happy to make you chuckle!
      Yep, they're invaluable.

  13. I've written donkey doodoo. (I cringe when I read a passage from my first attempts at fiction.) Thank goodness I don't anymore. LOL We all gotta start somewhere... And isn't it wonderful to have critique partners like that. They make the growing process bearable. :)

    IWSG #179 (At least until Alex culls the list again. :P)

    1. I feel the same way on my first attempt, too! But it makes us stronger.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  14. haha that is a great convo! This is what friends and good critiquers are for, right? Thanks for sharing.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  15. Aren't CPs great? And who knows - maybe there are millions of readers who have just been waiting for donkey doodoo to hit the shelves. ;)

    1. Hehe! Donkey doodoo... the new best seller. :D

  16. That quote is so true. If we weren't so insecure, we would probably never try to improve our writing.

    1. Yeah, it's funny how things work that way.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Good on ye - fer puttin' your foot down on the matter. The less time you spend worrying, the more time you can spend writing kick butt work :) Keep at it!

  18. What a great CP! It's great when you can find someone like that. I've got an awesome CP as well and she is so encouraging and amazing. Don't know what I would do without her. :)

    1. Agree. I don't know how some folks do the writing thing on their own.

  19. So true, insecurity spurs us to greater heights,


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