
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Maroon 5's new album out today AND what's in a name?

It’s no secret.


If you know me and/or visit my blog and twitter, you know that I LOVE Maroon 5 ...

 and Adam Levine.     *sigh*

(These 2 pics are from the best concert ever that I went to.) *double sigh*

So, in honor of Maroon 5’s new album, Overexposed, in stores today, I thought I’d share two fun facts with you about my WIP, Wishful Thinking.

What do Maroon 5 and my novel, Wishful Thinking, have in common?

Two very important things.

1.)  Kara - my main female protag is named after Kara’s Flowers… Maroon 5’s original name.

2.)  Jagger - my main male protag is named for M5’s song Moves Like Jagger. “Brody” was my MC’s incognito name because I wasn’t ready to share his real name.
     My CP’s, hubs, and besties were the ones who knew his actual name was Jagger. They love my crazy Maroon 5 freakish self. And I heart them right back.

How do you choose your main characters names?  
Do you have particular reasons for choosing a name?
Or do you just pick and choose as the ideas come to you?


  1. SQUEE! I had no idea there was a new album out! I am downloading it right now!!

  2. I'm pretty random with names. I just pick what I like--I don't dig into meanings or anything. I'll usually scour the Social Security Name database to get ideas.

    Jagger is becoming more popular it seems. My husband's cousin's kid is Jagger (he's 9 now), but I've been hearing it a lot more lately.

    1. Great idea with using the SS name database!

  3. I choose names based on names I like as first names; for last names I browse the web for common last names and when one sounds right, I use it!

    1. I usually choose names I like for characters, but for this novel I used M5 as inspiration for the names. :)

      Great idea to surf the net for common last names.

  4. Cool names!

    Maroon 5 is so swoon worthy. *sigh*

  5. I've used baby name books, the US SS site, and more recently the "Baby Name Wizard" book, which has really interesting name classifications and also gives suggested siblings names for both sexes for each name (these suggestions are based on some sort of research - don't ask me what, 'cause I totally can't remember, alas).
    Some Dark Romantic

    1. I'll have to check that book out for the suggested siblings names! Thanks, Mina!

  6. i like you names!!--i tend to pick mine, sorta on the spur of the moment!

  7. Thanks for following my blog! I feel I should tell you that as I clicked on your GFC profile and saw Maroon 5 mentioned, then came here, Payphone was on the radio. Synchronicity, huh? :)

    As for names, I don't really go for anything too unusual. Normally I think about the characters for a while before writing and just pick ones that seem to suit them. I do invent surnames that sound normal but aren't very common. I check to see if they actually exist!

    1. I LOVE when coincidental things occur! Thanks for sharing it with me. :D

  8. I'm a name nerd from way back, though I was somewhat limited before the advent of the Internet. I primarily use Behind the Name and Name Nerds, and have also used Kabbalarians and I also have found names in books and historical sources. My taste in names tends towards classical eccentric and classical unusual (e.g., Justine, Octavia, Helena, Lysander, Oliver, Leopold, Felix, Wolfgang, Zenobia, Ainsworth). Generally, I only use more popular, common, or trendy names for minor or secondary characters.

    Some names just came to me, but others I looked up and/or chose because of their symbolic meaning. Because of my taste in names, I tend to pick less-common names even when I'm writing about my characters with non-English names.

    1. Great sites to check out. :)
      Thanks for sharing them!


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