
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

IWSG - June - post #3 Time management and Support

The purpose for the IWSG - Insecure Writer's Support Group - is to encourage one another and share things that we're dealing with in our writing ventures.
The host, Alex J. Cavanaugh, states it best: IWSG is a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! To join, click on the IWSG pic below and post on your blog the first Wednesday of every month. Go sign up and meet some awesome people.

I’ve caught myself saying I need more hours in a day to get things done. But do I really? The more I think about it the more I realize it isn’t that I need more hours in a day. I mean, let’s be real. I have 24 hours a day to work with. That’s a lot of time.
What I need to do is work with the hours I’ve been given....
This requires a schedule, which I do have to some degree, but I decided that a revamping of sorts is in order if I want to get my WIP finished.  I've failed two writing goals so far with it, so I needed to get back on track.
With work, family life, house stuff (cleaning, laundry, and the like) and the boy’s baseball season in full swing **pun intended** I’m left with writing at midnight. Which I love, please don't get me wrong.
But on the days I have to get up before the sun because of a busy day/evening ahead, the midnight writing tends to take its toll. Those days require toothpicks to keep my eyes open. Oh, and coffee. Lots of coffee.
My hubby suggested that I set aside two hours a day/night to write so I can finish my MS. I tried to protest, because I couldn't fathom how it'd work. He said everything would be fine...and he was right (darn it!) For example, the evenings that our sons have games and after we return home and everyone's retired, I stick to my midnight writing routine.
But, on the days they don't have games, he takes them to the ball diamond while I write for a bit. He says it’s a win-win-win. They’re getting extra practice, I’m getting writing done without staying up so late all the time, and best of all, he's spending quality time with his boys. God, I love that man.
I know for a fact that if I didn’t have the love and support from my hubby, then finishing my WIP would be so much harder. But he believes in me, so now it’s time for me to believe in myself, right?
This book isn't going to write itself. And I wouldn't want it to. I want to finish it because I love to write, I heart my characters, and their story is begging to be told... so I'm off to write some more before turning in for the night. And coffee will be needed in a few hours. :)

                Do you have a writing schedule that you'd like to share?
                Do you have a support system that you're thankful for?

Check out other bloggers at Insecure Writer's Support Group.


  1. Like you once did, I can't fathom setting aside two hours a day. Especially with a 2 year old running around and a 50 hour work week. But I do need to get on a schedule. It is definitely important to have a supportive spouse to keep the schedule going. I think you have given me some hope that it is possible. I will have to make the time.

    1. Thanks for visiting.
      I hope I can do this. I know my plan's not full proof, but I'm going to try to crank this WIP out!
      Much luck to you in your writing journey, James!

  2. I don't have an exact writing schedule, but I know for sure that if I don't get enough sleep, everyone around me will suffer LOL! So, I make room in my day to write, and if I really can't, I call it a day off. In a way, I think that makes it sound like I'm not serious enough about writing. That's not true, it's just ... I really like sleep!

    1. Making room is perfect!
      And hey, I know you're a serious writer! Your A-Z Challenge showed that. :)

  3. Isn't it funny that we always talk about being so busy and not having enough time, but if I didn't watch that hour of TV or spent those two hours writing instead of trawling the internet I could get quite a bit done! I'm trying to implement a writing schedule of my own, but it's difficult with so many distractions.

    1. I know! Darn those awesome TV shows! LOL. I end up DVR-ing my faves and watch them on weekends.
      Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  4. I try to find time to write during work hours. I know - wth but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Plus I love my sleep and my tv and sometimes when I'm watching the important TV shows I fall asleep. lol

    1. You lucky girl! I can't write and design at the same time. I do, however, jot down tons of stuff throughout the day. And thank God for my cell so I can blog and email from work. :)

  5. i really haven't thought i had a schedule--but it does seem like i am writing mostly in the mornings!

  6. I work FT so I'll write at night for a few hours--if I'm motivated. I've been trying really hard lately to get one chapter edited a night. On Saturdays, I try to get a good few chapters edited. I do not write on Sundays as a break day. I have to throw in social networking too. So, my writing is sometimes a FT job in itself.

    I hope to have a very supportive hubs one day. *dreaming of my prince* haha Or *king* cuz that's my last name. haha

    I've got a very supportive family. Pretty lucky there.

    Nice to meet another IWSG member! Hi!

    1. Hi IWSG friend!
      That's awesome for you to have supportive family! It's essential.

  7. I've discovered I need more time to do the things I want/love to do (aka write) vs. the things I need to do to keep life running (aka job and school). That's a tough balance to maintain.

    1. Tough to maintain, but worth it in the end. :D

  8. See, you can make it happen!
    Now that I'm back to working on a book again, I set aside a few hours a night and make it happen. Funny, don't even remember what I was doing during that time before. I'm sure a computer game or the TV was involved though.

    1. That's awesome that you're working on another book!

  9. Since I'm only working part-time now, I've got more time during the day than I know what to do with. Have plenty of of time for writing, but there's just so many interesting distractions on twitter, pinterest...

    I seem to focus better at night when writing anyway, maybe it's one of those biorhythm things or something.

  10. I have lots of suggestions on this subject and they all start with using an egg timer. In fact I have so many I just published a book on the subject called, It Takes a Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time for Your Life. You read an excerpt on Amazon.

  11. Im terrible at regular scheduling so have never attempted writing goals, I am always fashionably late and leave things to the last minute which usually works out ;)

    The support system is the great feedback when I actually publish a piece


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