
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Determination (AtoZ Challenge and IWSG)

This is a two-fold post for the A to Z Challenge and the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Click on them to find out more about these awesome opportunities!

There are times when I read over my work and a number of things plague my mind.....

What the heck is this rubbish?

Why are you even trying to write?

Keep your day job.

Not even close.


These self doubt messages try to get in my way, but determination can keep me in check, if I let it.

The below thoughts are what I strive for my replies to be.....

It may be rubbish now, but I can work with rubbish. I can revise and fix it, and make it shine.

I’m writing because I enjoy it, and I NEED to. It’s like breathing.

I will keep my day job AND write.

I'm getting there.

I'm not perfect, but I'm not a loser either.

I need to remember to replace doubt with belief. The end result is so worth it, and my determination will get me there.

Check out other blogs on the A to Z Challenge blog

Check out other blogs on the Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog


  1. Great post. I feel those exact thoughts. I'll read over it and ask myself "who let my kids write this" or "my kids could do better than this". Keep up the great work... I've read your stuff before and it's perfect!

  2. We can work with rubbish because it can only get better, right?

  3. LOVE that picture of the girl embracing the text/guy.

    You are so write. Our first drafts might not be great, but we can work with them as long as we are persistent and stick to it.

  4. Thank you for twisting those tempting negative thoughts into positive ones. I have to remind myself that nothing I write will be perfect the first time around (or ever), but it can be really good after a lot of hard work.

    1. So true. Thanks for stopping by, Shelley! :)

  5. Love it! I think I struggle with those days when everything feels like complete crap, lol.

    Okay, must turn complete crap into a positive thought... ;)

  6. Love the post and I sadly often think like that too. I am the worst of my own critics. I hand wrote about a thousand words re-read it and it just wasn't good and I threw it away. :/ I wish now I wouldn't have did that.

  7. This is so true and something every writer needs to remember.
    "I need to remember to replace doubt with belief. The end result is so worth it, and my determination will get me there."

  8. Yup - definitely! Sometimes that determination is all we have to hang onto. :)

    1. Yes, and sometimes, even just a thread is enough.

  9. Wonderful thought! Determination will get you there, indeed!

    Happy Hump Day!
    My D

  10. Stopping in from IWSG. I have asked myself these very same questions many, many times. Though, I have a sinking feeling that it's not determination that keeps me going, it's stubbornness! That and no matter how bad some of my chicken scratch is, I love to write. Thanks for the post.

    1. You're welcome. Thanks for stopping by! :D

  11. Thanks for sharing that and for checking out my blog! :)


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