
Monday, March 5, 2012

The Teenage Heartthrob Blogfest!

Sarah Ahiers, Vic Caswell, and Emily White are hosting Teenage Heartthrob Blogfest! This is super fun!
List up to 7 people that you crushed on as a teen. I chose 5.
Then go view other blogs to see who they chose.

My crushes now are different than they were as a teen, with the exception of Johnny Depp. I will always heart him. Well, Adam Levine comes first, but then Johnny.

But since we aren't talking about my NOW crushes, I will list my crushes as a TEEN.

What's a teenage heartthrob to me?
*Their faces plastered my wall as a teen.
*Their TV shows I'd watch religiously. There wasn't this wonderful thing called DVR or Tivo back then so I'd have to watch it at the time stated or be out of luck and prayed a rerun was in the near future. When VHS came out, I had to bribe my brothers to NOT mess with the recorded time.
*Their movies I'd stand in long lines to see. Then go back and watch the movie again and again.
*Their music I'd listen to and never get sick of it.

 My list of 5 teenage hearthrobs...

                                                           Johnny Depp

I fell for him when 21 Jump Street graced my television.
And he's grown more beautiful with age. I'll always heart Johnny Depp.

                                                   Andrew McCarthy
He was my favorite from the bratpack. I loved him in Pretty In Pink and St. Elmo's Fire....his romantic side came across the screen effortlessly.

                                          John Stamos

Blackie from General Hospital and Jessie from Full House. He made me laugh and cry on a weekly basis.
Oh, and he could sing. *sigh*

                                                          Rick Springfield    

A rockstar, plus another General Hospital Alum.
I own his earlier vinyls. Yes, vinyls.
I had more posters of him over the others, from age 13 - until I left for college.

                                      Patrick Dempsey

Can't Buy Me Love was when I first saw Mr. Dempsey and loved his charm that shines through the screen to this day.

Who were your heartthrobs when you were a teenager?
Go check out the other blogs in this blog hop.


  1. Is it me or does John Stamos get better looking with age? I used to have a huge movie poster of Can't Buy Me Love in my bedroom. I love that movie.

    New Follower :)

    1. yeah, John Stamos, Johnny Depp, and Patrick Dempsey get better with age. Totally unfair! lol

  2. Man, John Stamos. He aged so frickin well. Still so attractive.
    Johnny Depp, too. Good pics

  3. Agh! Andrew McCarthy! I watched Weekend At Bernie's constantly... and Mannequin, lol. Horrible movies to associate him with, but that's where my mind went, lol.

    I was too young to ogle him then, but boy do I now!

    Ahem, I mean, I don't still watch those. No...

    1. I didn't like those Andrew McCarthy movies. LOL.
      But he stole my heart in the others. :)

  4. I totally forgot Uncle Jesse!! Love. Good picks!

    mmmm, Johnny Depp.

    1. :) They seem to be popular ones out of my choices. lol

  5. Johnny Depp would be my choice here. He always picks such cool film roles. I picked real crushes, names withheld to protect the guilty-where truth is stranger than fiction. (I'm #5)

    1. Yeah, I still love Johnny Depp. :D thanks for stopping by. I'll swing by your page.

  6. When Patrick Dempsey came back on the scene in Gray's Anatomy, wow! Talk about improving with age! I'm thinking you have a thing for guys with a great head of hair :)

  7. Ah yes, Patrick Dempsey. I don't know about Johnny Depp then, but now he's pretty good looking.

    1. Yep, he is. *sigh*
      Thanks for stopping by my blog. :D

  8. Nice. I almost put Andrew McCarthy on my list...loved him in Pretty in Pink and St. Elmo's Fire.

    1. :) Glad to see someone else appreciate Andrew as much as I do!

  9. How on earth could I forget John Stamos? Love your list. Have to admit I don't know some of them however... lol

  10. Wow, I know a lot of guys lose their looks with age, but yours grew into their faces really well.

    And even though most of them are a bit older than I am now, they're all still really hot.

    1. I think most men age gracefully while women look down right horrid. LOL

      I know, I know. You're a youngster, but you like Hugh and Harrison and they fit rather nicely with this group. :D

  11. Ooh, John Stamos *swoon*. He was the main reason I watched Full House.

    1. He was the only reason I watched that show, too!

  12. Rick Springfield really doesn't look that much older.

  13. Perfect choices! I loved John Stamos too! I also loved Emilio Estevez! I love Patrick Dempsey now! He's a hottie!

    1. I liked Emilio in The Breakfast Club. Such an awesome movie!

  14. Great list! I would have to say I could safely second them all!!
    It made me think of my own heartthrobs, hmmm, I'm really going to have to think about it!

    Great post!

    Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Aww, thanks for stopping by. Can't wait for the
      A to Z Challenge!!!

  15. Great choices! Although, don't you think that Andrew McCarthy is WAY hotter now than when he was a teen? At least, IMHO!

    1. I agree.
      It's so unfair that these men aged so well! Lol

  16. Oh, my gosh! I totally forgot about Rick Springfield. Do you remember when he used to play Dr. Noah Drake on General Hospital??

    Followed you over from Alex's IWSG. Nice to meet you. :))

    1. Yep, and my mom (who's a huge GH fan) told me that he's on the show again for a short time! :)

      Thanks for the follow. Nice to meet you, too!!!


Comments make me happy. So do photos of Adam Levine... <3