
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Lucky 7 MEME

Thanks to Candy Lynn Fite for choosing me as one of the Lucky 7. She rocks so go check out her blog here.

Now for the rules for Lucky 7 Meme:

1. Go to page 77 of your current MS. (Or a fave book)
2. Go to line 7.
3. Copy down the next 7 lines - sentences or paragraphs - and post them as they're written.
4. Tag 7 authors.
5. Let them know.

My CP's have been so patient with me as I've been trying to work out a kink in my WIP. It wouldn't be fair of me to share something that they haven't read yet. So, I'm using my last MS for this instead of my current MS.

This is from Breathe For Me, my YA Sci-fi. Hadley is my MC who's in a love triangle with Donovan and Gage. In this scene, she's at fault for trying to enter the woods, which is forbidden. Gage takes the blame, and well.... here it is.

            “Rules are there for a reason, Gage.” Dr. Ramsey glanced at his watch. “I’d like to see you in my office in ten minutes to discuss your punishment.”
            I stood there, stunned that Gage took the blame. He wasn’t anywhere near the forest when I’d tried to escape. No way was I going to let him get into trouble for me.
            “Dr. Ramsey,” I said, moving forward. “It’s my fault.”
            Donovan matched my steps and slid his fingers down my forearm. He wrapped his hand around mine and squeezed, causing me to become immobile. My mind screamed, but my mouth didn’t. Damn him, and his halting power.
            “How is Gage going into the woods your fault, Hadley?” Dr. Ramsey furrowed his brow.
            “What she’s trying to say is, well, we have a date, and she was running behind.” Gage stepped in front of me, blocking my view. “You know how girls can be.” He laughed.
            What? I couldn’t wait to show these stupid boys how girls can be—when I give them both a punch right in the jaw.

Please take the opportunity to visit these 7 fellow writers on the Lucky 7 trail!

Jeremy @ Geeky Tendencies 


  1. Ooh thanks very much, I'll get started right away! It's going to take me ages to choose a book, I have so many favourites! I like your excerpt, looks like it's a good book :)

    1. Thanks. I worked hard on that novel. And I think it still needs work! Lol

      Can't wait to read what you choose. :)

  2. I liked the last line!

    Thanks for tagging me. Since I don't have an MS I will have to use one of my favorite books. Now I just have to decide which one.

    1. Thanks!

      Looking forward to reading your excerpt! :D

  3. Hey Jackie,

    Thanks as well... will pass it on to another seven unsuspecting bloggers :)

  4. Oooo, do I sense a little love triangle there? Fun excerpt :)

  5. Yep. I heart love triangles! :D

  6. I love a good love triangle! Great job, Jackie! I'm glad you had fun and thanks for saying I rock! :)


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