
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dialogue Introduction - I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest

I’m Hearing Voices

Cassie Mae, over at Reading, Writing, and Lovin' it! AND Angie, over at Live to Write...Edit when Necessary are hosting I'm Hearing Voices Blogfest . . .

Dialogue Introduction is part two of this fabulous blogfest.
Rules: Have two characters introduce each other using only dialogue — no backstory, no internalization, just dialogue between the two. Max 250 words.

The dialogue is between Kara and Simone - rivals from my current WIP.

“I’m not sure why you bothered to show up. They’re here to learn about me.”

“Considering I’m the main character, I think I have a right to be here.”

“Nice, Kara. Pull the MC card. Sooo typical.”


“I see another salsa christening in your future.”

“Don't you dare. I smelled like onions and jalapenos for a week!”

“It’s called a shower. Try it.”

“Very funny, Simone. Anyway, we’re supposed to say something encouraging about each other. Let’s get this over with.”

“What? Who said we have to do that?”

“Hello? Our creator.”

“I did not sign up for some therapy session with you. Dear God, put me out of my misery now.”

“You know something? This isn’t easy for me either, but can you at least try so we can go on our merry way?”

“Fine. You go first.”

“Okay, I think deep down you’re nice, but you get off on being a bitch.”

“Yeah, and how is that a compliment?”

“It’s not, I guess. Damn, this is hard.”

“My turn. You could have a cute figure under those baggy clothes, but I can't tell. And don't get me started on your hair.”

“Wow. We suck at this whole encourage-one-another thing.”

“I got it. That’s what we’re good at—not liking each other.”

“Duh, but I don’t think that was the point of this.”

“Oh well. We tried. Gotta run.”

“See you in school.”

“I can't wait.”

“Should I be worried?”

“Terrified would be more fitting.”



  1. Hahaha! That is awesome! I love the banter between them! I could hang out with them! Love the picture too!

  2. Jackie, this is AWESOME :) And a salsa christening sounds hilarious.

  3. Like Danielle, I loved both the banter and the picture. They are the sort of "enemies" that in the crucible of a mutual crisis become grudging best friends. Both would hate to hear that! Roland

    1. Yeah, they wouldn't be happy about that.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. The kitten picture is perfect. Excellent banter, and the salsa christening was hilarious!

  5. Your dialogue is so real, definitely makes your characters jump off the page! Loved how witty they were!

  6. I can't decide if they are best friends for a long time or siblings. Great job - new follower :)

    1. Thanks so much, Tasha!
      They are enemies, as of now. That could change. :D

  7. Ooo arch enemies :) I love it! Wow, they have distinct voices. Well done, Jackie

    1. Thanks, Angela! I'm glad you stopped by. ^_^

  8. Salsa christening? Eww.
    Love the banter.

  9. Hi Jackie, great to meet you! So are they lovers having the usual spat or competing rivals? Sometimes its good to leave the reader wondering, wanting to read more. Now I want salsa with my omelette.

    1. They are rivals, for now.
      Love salsa with omelettes!
      Thanks for visiting my blog! :D

  10. I wanted you to know you are in my top 10 for this challenge :)

    1. Wow! That's so cool! I'm truly honored that I'm being considered among all of these talented writers.
      Thanks so much for letting me know! ^_^

  11. Wow girls can be so vicious. Loved your dialogue.

  12. Sorry, I read this yesterday and thought I'd left a comment but it obviously didn't 'take'. Anyway I thought the banter between these two was brilliant, and I love the kitten picture at the end, so appropriate!

    1. I think you left a comment on my first post in the contest. :)
      Thanks for the kind words!

  13. Oh my gosh! Cackled through this the whole way! This is awesome. Angie and I might be fighting over this one too. :)

    1. I'm ecstatic that you both liked it! Your comments mean a lot! :D

  14. They sound like sisters! Or well, they sound the way me and my sisters used to bicker. I love it.

  15. OMG! LOL! (click... blog added to subscriptions)...
    Just a question here. Is Kara Moon Zappa's daughter (Frank Zappa's granddaughter)? Love this stuff... I really do!

    1. LOL. Nope, Kara has no relation to Moon or Frank...but that would be cool if she was related to them!
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  16. I love the salsa christening! I wonder what's really going on between these two.

    1. LOL Yeah, the salsa christening wasn't very nice of Simone. She's a big meanie! :D
      Thanks for checking out my blog!


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